Integration services for foreign scientific and academic staff in the Czech Republic


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This study analyzes the status of integration services for foreign highly skilled staff at higher education and scientific institutions in the Czech Republic. This paper is relevant as it is essential to obtain data and information about services and possible barriers affecting the quality of life and professional experience with work migration to another country. The study conducted a survey and obtained feedback from 221 respondents. Quantitative data were analyzed in SASD 1.4.10. and SPSS. Moreover, the paper employed qualitative research in the form of open-ended questions processed by open coding in Atlas.ti 7.
The analysis described the quality of the employer’s services, their offer, and frequency, as well as satisfaction with the work and social environment in the Czech Republic. Barriers to integration were identified; they include complicated administration, the need to learn the Czech language, and cultural and mental differences. Deficiencies in services for common life necessities were highlighted, e.g., provision of suitable accommodation, adequate school facilities for children, dual-career jobs, or medical treatment.
The study resulted in the idea of the introduction of a service system, based on coordinated social services, for the reception of experts from abroad and better conditions for their integration. This system will increase the attractiveness of Czech institutions to the influx of brains from abroad.

The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this paper.

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    • Figure 1. Types of services used
    • Figure 2. Barriers to integration related to deficiencies in services
    • Table 1. Quality of employer’s services
    • Table 2. Offer of services
    • Table 3. Frequency of using services
    • Table 4. Satisfaction with the work environment
    • Table 5. Satisfaction with housing
    • Conceptualization
      Eva Fichtnerová
    • Data curation
      Eva Fichtnerová
    • Formal Analysis
      Eva Fichtnerová
    • Investigation
      Eva Fichtnerová
    • Methodology
      Eva Fichtnerová, Jitka Vacková
    • Resources
      Eva Fichtnerová
    • Software
      Eva Fichtnerová, Jitka Vacková
    • Visualization
      Eva Fichtnerová
    • Writing – original draft
      Eva Fichtnerová
    • Supervision
      Jitka Vacková
    • Validation
      Jitka Vacková
    • Writing – review & editing
      Jitka Vacková