The role of corporate culture in forming a motivational mechanism for strategic management of project-oriented organizations in the context of digitalization
Article InfoVolume 14 2024, Issue #2, pp. 17-27
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The article explores corporate culture as the basis for the formation and implementation of a motivational mechanism for strategic management of project-oriented organizations. The study focuses on the importance of corporate culture in supporting the effectiveness of virtual teams, which is an integral part of modern project management. The role of corporate culture in ensuring consistency, motivation, and coordination of employees in multifunctional and geographically distributed teams is determined. The article develops a scheme for the formation and implementation of a motivational mechanism for strategic management of a project-oriented organization, including key stages: analysis of an organization’s activities, formation of strategic goals, identification and elimination of demotivating factors, creation of a motivational mechanism, its implementation and control of effectiveness. Particular attention is paid to the adaptation of corporate values to the conditions of digitalization, globalization and remote work. The proposed approach emphasizes the importance of integrating corporate culture into all stages of management, in particular in creating a stimulating environment for employees of virtual teams. The role of corporate culture in strengthening team cohesion, building trust, openness and transparency of communications is examined. The study emphasizes the importance of corporate culture in achieving strategic goals, increasing productivity and long-term competitiveness of project-oriented organizations.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)М14, O15, M12, O32, L22, O33
- Table 1. Formation stages of the motivational mechanism for strategic management in project-oriented organizations: the role of corporate culture and virtual teams
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