The role of supply chain management in improving performance of Jordanian small and medium enterprises
Article InfoVolume 22 2024, Issue #1, pp. 218-230
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Supply chain management practices are always helpful for multinational enterprises in increasing their growth. However, there has always remained an open debate about which practices are helpful for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Therefore, this study has examined the influence of supply chain management practices on the performance of SMEs. Moreover, it has examined how the moderation of supply chain ecocentricity and innovation capabilities strengthens or weakens the relationship between supply chain management practices and SMEs’ performance. The quantitative study involved 352 SME managers as they can provide the relevant information and possess complete knowledge of management practices. The data were gathered via a questionnaire, and the responses were analyzed using IBM SPSS 28 and IBM AMOS. The results show that SMEs’ performance is linked to supply chain management practices (β = 0.544; P < .001), and this linkage is further strengthened by supply chain ecocentricity (R2 change = 0. 082***, F-Statistics = 47.18) and innovation capabilities (R2 change = 0.061***, F-Statistics = 39.74). SMEs can enhance their performance by efficiently incorporating supply chain management practices and developing innovation capabilities and supply chain ecocentricity.
This study is funded by Al Hussein Bin Talal University, Ma’an, Jordan, No. 125/2023.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O31, L25
- Figure 1. Research model
- Figure 2. Measurement model
- Figure 3. Mod graph (supply chain ecocentricity as a moderator)
- Figure 4. Mod graph (innovation capabilities as a moderator)
- Table 1. Descriptive statistics and data normality test
- Table 2. KMO and Bartlett’s test
- Table 3. Confirmatory factor analysis
- Table 4. HTMT analysis
- Table 5. Confirmatory factor analysis measurement model
- Table 6. Direct effect
- Table 7. Conditional effects of the focal predictor (supply chain management practices) at values of the moderator (supply chain ecocentricity)
- Table 8. Conditional effects of the focal predictor (supply chain management practices) at values of the moderator (innovation capabilities)
- Table A1. Loadings of items
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