Human resource management practices and their impact on healthcare workers’ job satisfaction and burnout in the Jordanian public sector
Article InfoVolume 22 2024, Issue #1, pp. 634-648
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This study aims to examine the link between human resource management practices and employee outcomes (job satisfaction and burnout) in Jordan’s healthcare public sector, including recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation and benefits, performance management, employee relations, and health and safety. The study utilized a stratified random sample of 600 healthcare professionals. The sample included doctors, nurses, administrative staff, and support staff from various public sector healthcare facilities across Jordan. The use of the Maslach Burnout Inventory and the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire allowed for a detailed assessment of burnout prevalence and levels of job satisfaction among these professionals. The results revealed a high burnout prevalence of over 98%, particularly in emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal achievement. Variances in burnout levels were observed across professional roles, with doctors experiencing high burnout. Job satisfaction was moderately reported, negatively correlating with age and experience. Increased emotional exhaustion and depersonalization were linked to reduced satisfaction. Noteworthy HRM practices contributing to increased job satisfaction included employee relations and health and safety. Conversely, compensation and benefits and employee relations contributed to reduced burnout.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O15, J28, J45
- Figure 1. Differences in reported emotional exhaustion (Mean±SD) by the role or position held by the healthcare professionals
- Figure 2. Relationship between age and intrinsic job satisfaction clustered by gender and role
- Figure 3. Relationship between years of experience and intrinsic job satisfaction clustered by gender and role
- Table 1. Maslach burnout inventory scores for interpretation purposes
- Table 2. Validity and internal consistency of the MBI and MSQ scales
- Table 3. Participants’ profile
- Table 4. Prevalence of burnout among the healthcare professionals
- Table 5. Degree of job satisfaction among healthcare professionals in the Jordanian public sector
- Table 6. ANOVA results comparing differences in job satisfaction by role of healthcare professionals
- Table 7. Regression coefficients: Effect of HRM practices on job satisfaction
- Table 8. Regression coefficient: Effect of burnout on job satisfaction
- Table 9. Regression coefficients: Effect of HRM practices on burnout
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