Differentiation of innovation ecosystems of the countries being the Global Innovation Index leaders in the global competitive context


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Innovations have become pivotal for the growth and competitiveness of national economies. Generating innovations necessitates a comprehensive ecosystem as a set of conducive conditions. With competition intensifying and focusing on innovation, countries increasingly prioritize the enhancement of their innovation ecosystems. The foundation for this lies in international comparisons, particularly among countries that are global leaders, as it aids in identifying their specific characteristics and advantages. The aim of the study is to differentiate the innovation ecosystems of world-leading countries by highlighting the indicators in which they differ the most.
The paper covered the top 15 countries according to the Global Innovation Index, each characterized by 23 indicators in their innovation ecosystems. In the first stage, using mathematical processing (the k-means method), the countries were divided into six clusters. Then, to find the parameters that differentiate the obtained clusters, a classification analysis was conducted (the “decision tree” method), resulting in 11 indicators that, in various pairwise combinations, most differentiate the analyzed countries. These indicators reflect the features and most important advantages (or weaknesses) of each innovation ecosystem and are also priorities for increasing the parameters of these ecosystems to improve the position of countries. It is advisable to use these indicators to form state innovation policy.

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    • Table 1. List of indicators characterizing the innovation ecosystems of countries
    • Table 2. Selected indicators and their values
    • Table А1. Clusters of countries based on indicators characterizing innovation ecosystems
    • Conceptualization
      Maxim Polyakov, Igor Khanin, Vladimir Bilozubenko, Maxim Korneyev
    • Formal Analysis
      Maxim Polyakov, Vladimir Bilozubenko, Gennadij Shevchenko, Maxim Korneyev
    • Investigation
      Maxim Polyakov, Vladimir Bilozubenko, Gennadij Shevchenko, Maxim Korneyev
    • Methodology
      Maxim Polyakov, Igor Khanin, Gennadij Shevchenko
    • Project administration
      Maxim Polyakov, Igor Khanin
    • Supervision
      Maxim Polyakov, Igor Khanin
    • Writing – review & editing
      Maxim Polyakov, Igor Khanin
    • Data curation
      Vladimir Bilozubenko, Maxim Korneyev
    • Resources
      Vladimir Bilozubenko, Maxim Korneyev
    • Validation
      Vladimir Bilozubenko, Gennadij Shevchenko, Maxim Korneyev
    • Writing – original draft
      Vladimir Bilozubenko, Gennadij Shevchenko, Maxim Korneyev
    • Software
      Gennadij Shevchenko