Effect of positive organizational behavior on subjective well-being in the workplace in the tourism sector of Jordan
Article InfoVolume 21 2023, Issue #3, pp. 736-752
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Employee subjective well-being, which contributes to work stability, increases productivity, and in turn improves the performance of both employees and the organization, is critical in modern business organizations for a variety of reasons that affect the performance and sustainability of those organizations, as well as the numerous benefits they achieve.
The purpose of this study is to discover the impact of positive organizational behavior on the subjective well-being of employees in Jordanian tourism industry. The analytical-descriptive methodology was used to attain the study’s goal. The sample consisted of 392 workers of Jordanian tourism organizations (22 companies) within the upper and middle administrative levels, who were chosen using a simple random procedure. The questionnaire that included items to measure the dimensions of independent and dependent variables was distributed to them.
The study concluded that there is a medium level of positive organizational behavior and subjective well-being in the workplace for the study sample. All dimensions of positive organizational behavior (self-efficacy, optimism, hope, and flexibility) have a statistically significant effect on subjective well-being. That is, the higher the level of positive organizational behavior, the higher the subjective well-being of workers.
This study is funded by the Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, fund decision number (393/2021).
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M21, M14
- Figure 1. Confirmatory factor analysis of the independent variable (positive organizational behavior)
- Figure 2. Confirmatory factor analysis of the dependent variable (subjective well-being)
- Figure 3. Testing the main hypothesis
- Figure 4. Testing the first sub-hypothesis
- Figure 5. Testing the second sub-hypothesis
- Figure 6. Testing the third sub-hypothesis
- Figure 7. Testing the fourth sub-hypothesis
- Table 1. Demographics
- Table 2. Exploratory factor analysis for independent variable (positive organizational behavior)
- Table 3. Exploratory factor analysis for independent variable (subjective well-being)
- Table 4. Normal distribution test
- Table 5. Multicollinearity test
- Table 6. Autocorrelation test
- Table 7. Means and relative importance of the sample member estimates of the study variables
- Table 8. Means and relative importance of the sample member estimates of the study variables
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