Exploring the mediating influence of job satisfaction on the relationship between job security and turnover intention: A case study of the hospitality industry of Jordan
Article InfoVolume 21 2023, Issue #1, pp. 384-395
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This study aims to examine the mediation influence of job satisfaction on job security and turnover intention among employees working at the frontline of Jordanian hotels. A quantitative empirical investigation is based on a self-administered electronic questionnaire; the data were collected from 170 frontline employees of 20 five-star hotels in Amman. The paper used Smart-PLS 4 software and statistical techniques to test the research hypotheses and analyze the obtained results. The study confirms the mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between job security and employee turnover intention. The results also found a significant negative impact of job security on turnover intention and a positive impact of job security on achieving employee job satisfaction. The paper highlights the need for senior management and human resources departments working in the hotel sector of Jordan to ensure employees’ job security and provide requirements that achieve employees’ job satisfaction, as these factors are essential in retaining employees.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O15, J32, J63
- Figure 1. Research framework
- Figure 2. Initial model
- Figure 3. Final model
- Table 1. Demographics of participants
- Table 2. Factor loadings, items, Cronbach’s alpha, composite reliability, and convergent validity
- Table 3. Discriminant validity value of HTMT
- Table 4. Collinearity assessment
- Table 5. Path coefficients according to a complete bootstrapping routine
- Table 6. Indirect effects
- Table 7. Hypotheses testing
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