Investigating the impact of workplace bullying on employees’ morale, performance and turnover intentions in five-star Egyptian hotel operations
Received June 6, 2017;Accepted July 5, 2017;Published December 26, 2017
- Author(s)
Article InfoVolume 1 2017, Issue #1, pp. 4-14
Cited by7 articlesJournal title: International Journal of Hospitality ManagementArticle title: Workplace bullying in the hospitality industry: A hindrance to the employee mindfulness state and a source of emotional exhaustionDOI: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2021.102961Volume: 96 / Issue: / First page: 102961 / Year: 2021Contributors: Hamad Said, Cem TanovaJournal title: International Journal of Applied Research in Business and ManagementArticle title: The Effects of Workplace Bullying on Organisational Citizenship Behaviour and Turnover Intention in Selected South African UniversitiesDOI: 10.51137/ijarbm.2024.5.2.10Volume: 5 / Issue: 2 / First page: / Year: 2024Contributors: Ayanda Nhlanhla Mbambo, Fumani Donald Mabasa, Tlou Samuel Setati, Harriet Rivalani MalukaJournal title: Cogent Business & ManagementArticle title: Unfolding the ramifications of workplace bullying: An empirical justification of conservation of resource theory in telecommunication sector of PakistanDOI: 10.1080/23311975.2022.2038343Volume: 9 / Issue: 1 / First page: / Year: 2022Contributors: Muhammad Shaukat Malik, Shahzadi SattarJournal title: Cogent Business & ManagementArticle title: Workplace bullying and employees’ turnover intention in hospitality industry: evidence of NepalDOI: 10.1080/23311975.2024.2317197Volume: 11 / Issue: 1 / First page: / Year: 2024Contributors: Gangaram Biswakarma, Perdoor Sreeramana Aithal, Sanju Kumar Singh, Achyut Gnawali, Jayanta GhimireJournal title: InformationArticle title: Social Media Bullying in the Workplace and Its Impact on Work Engagement: A Case of Psychological Well-BeingDOI: 10.3390/info13040165Volume: 13 / Issue: 4 / First page: 165 / Year: 2022Contributors: Aizza Anwar, Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Muhammad Fazal IjazJournal title: The Service Industries JournalArticle title: Unmasking the influence of employees’ coping strategies on workplace bullyingDOI: 10.1080/02642069.2024.2349070Volume: / Issue: / First page: 1 / Year: 2024Contributors: Natalia Sigaeva, Ali Öztüren, Hasan KılıçJournal title: Cogent PsychologyArticle title: Social-psychological risk perception impacts on job insecurity and turnover intention: a mediation model using PLS-SEM techniqueDOI: 10.1080/23311908.2024.2303219Volume: 11 / Issue: 1 / First page: / Year: 2024Contributors: Ibrahim A. Elshaer
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In today’s competitive business environment, human resources are one of the most critical assets particularly for service-focused organizations. Consequently, employees’ morale has become invaluable for maintaining outstanding organizational performance and retaining employees. One of the most important factors which may affect employees’ satisfaction is workplace bullying from employers and colleagues at large. It is considered a negative and unethical issue which may degrade, humiliate and create a risk to a healthy working environment. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to investigate the extent to which workplace bullying may affect the organizational outcomes of a sample of five-star hotels in Egypt. Two questionnaires were distributed among the subjects of the sample; bell desk staff, kitchen stewards and head departments. The results of this research confirmed that there is a correlation between workplace bullying, employees’ morale and turnover intentions but, showed no correlation between workplace bullying and employees’ work performance.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J50, J60, L83
- Figure 1. Hypothetical Model of the Research
- Table 1. Reliability and validity test using Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha
- Table 2. Correlation between workplace bullying and morale, performance and turnover intentions
- Table 3. Respondents’ Profile
- Table 4. Correlation between workplace bullying and demographic data for respondents
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Factors affecting employee turnover and sound retention strategies in business organization: a conceptual view
Chowdhury Abdullah Al Mamun , Md. Nazmul Hasan doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 63-71 Views: 16356 Downloads: 7021 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯ“Employee turnover” as an expression is broadly used in business organization. Despite the fact that several studies have been performed on this topic, little research has been conducted on examining the causes and leading factors of turnover as well, as advising some feasible approaches, which can be applied by bosses to ensure that employees will continue in their respective organizations to enhance organizational effectiveness and productivity. The main purpose of this study is to determine the reasons and key factors in the perspectives of the relevant literature and identify to the intention of employee turnover. This conceptual paper also suggests various possible strategies on how to minimize the turnover and retain employees in the organizations. Hence, the paper has proposed a conceptual framework that shows the major variables in explaining the phenomenon of employee turnover and addressing sound retention strategies to handle these issues.
Corporate governance and financial performance: an empirical analysis of selected multinational firms in Nigeria
Gideon Tayo Akinleye , Odunayo Olarewaju, Bamikole Samson Fajuyagbe doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 17, 2019 Issue #1 pp. 11-18 Views: 3593 Downloads: 586 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study focused on corporate governance and performance of selected Nigerian multinational firms from 2012 to 2016. Specifically, the study focused on the effect of board size, activism and committee activism on return on asset and firm growth rate. Secondary data collected from four multinational firms were analyzed via static panel estimation techniques. While board size and board activism exerted significant negative impact on return on asset, committee activism exerted insignificant impact. The results of the study further showed that board size and board activism exert insignificant negative impact on firm’s growth rate, while committee activism insignificantly spurs firm’s growth rate. Decisively, discoveries from this study reflect that corporate governance has significant negative impact on return on asset, but has insignificant influence on the growth rate of Nigerian multinational firms. Based on these findings, the authors recommended that corporate governance dynamics in firms world over should be reconsidered, such that it gives credence to more than just numbers of persons or meetings held, but the main reasons and deliberations in such meetings. It was also recommended that excessive increase in magnitude or frequency of meetings held by board of directors cum committee should be avoided.
Academic resilience, emotional intelligence, and academic performance among undergraduate students
Uzoma Ononye, Mercy Ogbeta , Francis Ndudi
, Dudutari Bereprebofa , Ikechuckwu Maduemezia doi:
Knowledge and Performance Management Volume 6, 2022 Issue #1 pp. 1-10 Views: 3275 Downloads: 972 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯAcademic resilience and emotional intelligence are considered important personal resources for furthering students’ academic performance. However, many educational organizations seem to trivialize the performance implications of these constructs in teachings and curriculum. Consequently, it can decrease not just their academic performance but also their employability, as they lack the generic competencies to adapt and survive in a stressful context. Even so, empirical evidence on integrating academic resilience, emotional intelligence, and academic performance remains unexplored in the Nigerian university context. Therefore, the study aimed to investigate the linkages between academic resilience, emotional intelligence, and academic performance in Nigeria. The partial least square (PLS) modeling method was utilized for testing the stated hypotheses with data collected from 179 final year undergraduate students in the regular B.Sc. Business Administration and B.Sc. Marketing program at Delta State University, Nigeria. From the PLS results, the study reported that academic resilience was positively related to emotional intelligence (β = 0.125, p = 0.007), academic resilience (β = 0.231, p = 0.000) and emotional intelligence (β = 0.260, p = 0.000) were positively related to academic performance, and emotional resilience mediated the positive relationship between academic resilience and academic performance (β = 0.057, p = 0.005). While academic resilience predicted academic performance, it also predicted emotional intelligence, which affected academic performance significantly and positively.