The relationship between time management, job satisfaction, and job burnout among Jordanian medical staff during COVID-19
Article InfoVolume 20 2022, Issue #4, pp. 396-406
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
COVID-19 has put pressure on medical crews to respond rapidly and operate in real time, which could affect their job performance. However, adopting time management practices appear to mitigate adverse job outcomes and capitalize on positive ones. Therefore, by adopting the integrative time management model, this study analyzes the relationship between time management (setting goals and priorities and mechanics dimensions), job satisfaction, and job burnout (emotional exhaustion dimension) among Jordanian medical staff during COVID-19. The data were gathered via an electronic questionnaire. In total, 737 respondents participated in the survey. RStudio-2022.07.1 was utilized to code all statistical analyses, including a description of demographics and structural equation modeling. Results revealed that while the setting goals and priorities dimension (z = 4.641, p = 0.000) positively relates to job satisfaction, the mechanics dimension has the opposite effect (z = 1.887, p = 0.059). Moreover, while the setting goals and priorities dimension (z = 2.369, p = 0.018) is positively related to the emotional exhaustion dimension, the mechanics dimension (z = –2.086, p = 0.037) is negatively related. Finally, it was found that job burnout does not affect job satisfaction (z = –0.645, p = 0.519). The findings imply that medical institutions should support their staff in setting goals and priorities to accomplish their tasks and encourage time management. Finally, medical staff should have the training to help them overcome any stress they experience when they plan their work-related tasks.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M12, M54, O15
- Table 1. Demographic characteristics of participants
- Table 2. Measurement model assessment
- Table 3. HTMT matrix for the measurement model
- Table 4. Structural model fit indices
- Table 5. Hypotheses testing results
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