A mixed-methods study on the influence of quality of work life on commitment and performance
Article InfoVolume 20 2022, Issue #2, pp. 321-334
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Academic institutions are distinguished entities that perform pivotal functions to promote education and research. Faculty are involved in these aspects by contributing their best efforts to achieve goals. Thus, they are the most important organizational resources. The study aimed to investigate the quality of work life of state university faculty. Moreover, it intended to contribute new knowledge by identifying its influence on commitment and performance using Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods. There are studies on quality of work life (QWL) in higher academic institutions with different components. However, this will be the first in education using the thirteen (13) factors of QWL of the 21st century. There is a sample of two hundred fifteen (n = 215) respondents and twenty participants from the state university in the province of Rizal, Philippines. Numerical data were treated with mean and Pearson’s r, while thematization is used to analyze qualitative data. Rewards and recognition have been commendable (M = 4.37); however, sustainable safety and health programs are aspired (M = 3.38). People feel empowered, but the excessive number of teaching loads was noticed, and the incentivization of those with the additional designation. The study found influence of quality of work life on commitment (r = .583, p < .01). QWL is considered multi-faceted, and evidently, many elements do not directly influence performance, having a very weak positive correlation (r = .079, p < .01). These results are deemed significant to continuously improve the welfare of employees. Hence, commitment and performance will be intensified.
The author is indebted to the President of the University of Rizal System, Philippines, and Vice President for Research, Development, Extension, and Production for the support given to publishing this paper.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J24, J28, I31
- Figure 1. Sequential explanatory design on the influence of quality of work life on commitment and performance
- Table 1. Joint display of the integration of quantitative and qualitative results of faculty quality of work life with meta inferences
- Table 2. Joint display of the integration of quantitative and qualitative results of correlation of quality of work life and commitment with meta inferences
- Table 3. Joint display of the integration of quantitative and qualitative results of correlation of quality of work life and performance with meta inferences
- Table A1. Cronbach’s alpha value of research factors
- Table A2. Trustworthiness of qualitative research
- Table A3. Status of quality of work-life
- Table A4. Correlation between quality of work life and employee commitment
- Table A5. Correlation between quality of work life and job performance
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