Challenges of improving effectiveness and efficiency of the higher educational system in developing countries
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #1, pp. 19-31
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Due to the country’s lack of natural resources and its dependence on human resources, Jordanian universities have started to implement quality assurance system aiming to improve effectiveness and efficiency of the higher educational system. This paper presents the results of a research that aims to identify the main issues and challenges facing these universities in implementing quality assurance system. Data for this research were collected using a survey mailed to all public and private universities to investigate the main issues affecting the implementation of quality assurance system in Jordanian universities. The results of this research showed that the most important challenges faced by Jordanian universities are: human and lack of awareness, resistance to change and cultural among others. The research findings hoped to be useful for both universities and policy makers in the government in order to realize the full benefits of implementing quality assurance system. Hence, this and other research on implementing quality assurance in higher educational institutions might be of assistance.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)I21, I23, C83, D83
- Figure 1. Educational system in Jordan
- Figure 2. Quality assurance system framework
- Figure 3. Eigenvalue of the nine factors extracted
- Table 1. Ministries of higher education and accreditation agencies
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