Mediating role of entrepreneurial competencies: Influence of personality traits on entrepreneurial intention
Article InfoVolume 19 2021, Issue #3, pp. 211-220
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This study aims to examine the role of entrepreneurial competency in mediating the influence of personality traits on entrepreneurial intention. Data were collected using a questionnaire sent to medium-sized business managers in the province of Bali, Indonesia; the sample size is 385 people. Assuming a response rate of 85%, 453 questionnaires were sent. Of these, 142 returned and a usable response rate of 30.37% was achieved. Data were analyzed using SEM-PLS with WarpsPLS 7.0. The findings show that personality traits have a significant effect on entrepreneurial competency (β = 0.513; p < 0.001), personality traits significantly affect entrepreneurial intention (β = 0.266; p < 0.001). Furthermore, this study proves that entrepreneurial competency significantly affects entrepreneurial intention (β = 0.436; p < 0.001). This study also found the Sobel test value of 5.770, which means that entrepreneurial competency can influence personality traits and entrepreneurial intention as a partial mediator. There is a comprehensive view of the relationship between personality traits, entrepreneurial competency, and entrepreneurial intention. This study not only provides an understanding of the relationship between personality traits and entrepreneurial intention, but also provides evidence on the mechanism by which entrepreneurial competency mediates the relationship between personality traits and entrepreneurial intention.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L26, M21
- Figure 1. PLS result
- Figure 2. PLS result for direct effect
- Table 1. Descriptive statistics of variables
- Table 2. Goodness of fit of the model
- Table 3. Validity and reliability of the study
- Table 4. Combined loadings and cross-loadings
- Table 5. Path coefficient and R-squared
- Table 6. Effect size and standard error
- Table 7. Mediation analysis
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