Management of successful technology transfer in agriculture: The case of Kazakhstan
Article InfoVolume 19 2021, Issue #3, pp. 488-501
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Progress of agriculture is becoming increasingly reliant on the successful application of technology. However, many developing countries depend on technology transfer from other countries to be utilized in large and complex projects in agriculture. This study intends to identify strategic directions for successful technology transfer in developing countries’ agriculture with Kazakhstan as a case study. A SWOT analysis was conducted using Internal Factor Evaluation, External Factor Evaluation, Strategic Position and Action Evaluation, and Quantitative Strategic Planning matrices as analytical methods, based on primary data from interviews and secondary data from reports. With a weight of 52%, opportunities prevail in external factors, with emerging good geographical position, land area latitude, and participation in economic integrations as the most significant ones. On the other hand, internal factors such as emerging low skills in agricultural innovation, insufficient resources in agriculture, old technologies and worn-out equipment, and lack of mechanisms for effective adaptation of foreign technologies to local conditions are indicated as weaknesses, with the percentage of 82%. This study includes twenty-six strategies that were specially designed for technology transfer, and nine of them are considered the most relevant in overcoming internal weaknesses by exploiting external opportunities. Promoting agriculture in an innovative direction, expanding the resource base necessary for technology transfer, and increasing sources of funding for the transfer of technology and the R&D expenditures in agriculture make a top 3 of these strategies. These results will be of interest for policymakers in decision-making on technology transfer in agriculture.
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JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O13, O32, Q16
- Figure 1. SPACE matrix of technology transfer to the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan
- Table 1. EFE matrix of technology transfer to the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan
- Table 2. Analysis of the internal environment of technology transfer in the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan
- Table 3. SWOT analysis of technology transfer to the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan
- Table 4. SWOT matrix of technology transfer to the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan
- Table A1. QSP matrix of technology transfer to the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan
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