Impact of organizational entrepreneurship characteristics on entrepreneurial orientation: Moderating role of firm size and education
Received April 14, 2021;Accepted August 17, 2021;Published September 27, 2021
- Author(s)
Article InfoVolume 19 2021, Issue #3, pp. 478-487
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Organizational entrepreneurial characteristics (OEC) have received less attention compared with the individual entrepreneurial ones. In addition, few studies examined this issue in the context of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of OEC on the entrepreneurial orientation (EO) of an organizational member. OEC are operationalized to include top management support (TMS), organizational culture (OC), and transformational leadership (TL). Two moderators are proposed in this study: the CEO’s education and company`s size. The data were collected via purposive sampling using a questionnaire; a survey included 206 SMEs in Iraq. The data were analyzed using AMOS. The findings indicate that the impact of EOC (B = 0.14) on OE is positive. Its dimensions TL (B = 0.14) and TMS (0.50) also impacted positively the OE. CEO’s education and company size moderated positively the effect of OEC on OE. Decision makers are advised to pay more attention to leadership style and adopt open culture as well as free expression and tolerance among SMEs in Iraq.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O33, A29
- Figure 1. Conceptual framework
- Figure 2. Structural model
- Table 1. Normality and multicollinearity tests
- Table 2. Profile of the respondents
- Table 3. Results of the measurement model
- Table 4. Result of hypotheses testing
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Amel Farhan Swadi, Ahmad Abed al-hayy Al-dalaien
Formal Analysis
Amel Farhan Swadi
Amel Farhan Swadi
Amel Farhan Swadi, Ahmad Abed al-hayy Al-dalaien
Amel Farhan Swadi
Amel Farhan Swadi
Writing – original draft
Amel Farhan Swadi, Ahmad Abed al-hayy Al-dalaien
Writing – review & editing
Amel Farhan Swadi, Ahmad Abed al-hayy Al-dalaien
Funding acquisition
Ahmad Abed al-hayy Al-dalaien
Ahmad Abed al-hayy Al-dalaien
An assessment of informal SMEs’ potential in an African economy – theoretical and conceptual framework
Herrison Matsongoni , Emmanuel Mutambara doi: and Municipal Finance Volume 7, 2018 Issue #2 pp. 1-13 Views: 3562 Downloads: 501 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯInformal Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a key role in their respective economies over the world particularly in the African continent. This paper reviews various theories on SMEs towards understanding the potential of the informal sector in the context of African countries. The paper uses a theoretical approach for the purpose of assessing the challenges that have affected the development of the informal SMEs sector over the years in both the developing and developed world. Economically developing countries in Africa pose unique challenges to informal SMEs development compared to the developed countries. The paper reviews the theories that define the rise to informality in Africa by identifying the key determinants for the emergence of informal SMEs. A conceptual framework for assessing informal SME’s potential for Africa is developed. The conceptual framework is based on the Fishbone diagram developed by Kaoru Ishikawa (1986). This paper discusses the intricacies of the applicability of the proposed conceptual framework to assess the potential of the informal SMEs in Africa and the way forward for the formalization debate.
The impact of organizational culture on job performance: a study of Saudi Arabian public sector work culture
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 207-218 Views: 3482 Downloads: 1268 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis research aims to assess direct and indirect influences of organizational culture on job performance, as well as to evaluate the impact of each sub-element of organizational culture on such performance. It is argued that employees performance derives, on the one hand, from a long-term perspective related to changes that organizations manage and implement during their process of growth. A second dimension of organizational culture can be given through organizational values, routines and distinctive aspects of culture that allow organizations to create solid competitive advantages. Since most studies in this field were held in Western work cultures, this paper will be devoted to the analysis of this relationship within an Arabic cultural environment and more specifically within a Saudi context. A quantitative study tool, based on a comprehensive research questionnaire, was used and the sample was selected from various government departments being operative in Alkharj. The findings indicate a positive relationship between organizational culture and job performance. Likewise, four organizational culture sub-elements, namely Managing Change, Achieving Goals, Coordinating Teamwork and Cultural Strength, were found affecting positively on job performance, but with varying and distinct intensity. Only Customer Orientation was found negatively associated with job performance.
Challenges of small and medium enterprises during the COVID-19 pandemic: Case of Georgia
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #4 pp. 20-28 Views: 3119 Downloads: 1614 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on SMEs in Georgia, identify the challenges of SMEs in pandemic conditions, and analyze government economic policy measures. For this purpose, 102 small and medium entrepreneurs from different regions of Georgia were interviewed. The survey was conducted by sending a questionnaire through digital channels. The results were processed using data analysis, quantitative and qualitative research methods, and presented graphically. As a result, key challenges and development directions that are typical for SMEs operations in Georgia during the pandemic were identified. For 60.8% of surveyed SME owners, lockdown is the main challenge. Sales volume of 45.1% of SMEs decreased. In addition, 39.3% of the surveyed SME owners increased the innovative capabilities of a company and 37.2% increased the sales volume of a company through digital channels. The main challenge of the pandemic, lockdown, gave impetus to a change in entrepreneurial behavior. In a pandemic, entrepreneurial activity has become more favorable through digital channels. During the pandemic, there is a need to continue the government’s program of tax incentives and subsidies for SMEs. In addition, the government should promote education in the fields of entrepreneurship, innovation, and technology.