Public-private partnership as an effective mechanism for attracting private investment in achieving the aims the socio-economic development of Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #4, pp. 469-479
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The article analyzes public-private partnership (PPP) as a form of interaction between state and business in the context of optimizing the Ukrainian economy. According to the results of SWOT analysis of the implementation of PPP projects in the infrastructure of Ukraine (2017–2019), the main criteria that determine the necessary model of public-private partnership were substaintiated, namely the distribution of investments, risks, obligations between the state and the private sector, the term and object of the agreement.
The study analyzed the impact of economic, political, legislative and criminal processes on public-private partnerships in Ukraine. It was proved that the formation of specific allocation relations based on the interaction between public and private property is the most important feature of public-private partnership, which distinguishes it from other forms of interaction between the state and business. Advantages of PPP are as follows: the increase of management efficiency of state and municipal property objects, the reduction of tax burden on the state budget and optimization of budget expenditures on public services provision, the maintenance of budget-funded institutions, etc. It has been established that the PPP is the best alternative to privatization in order to attract private investment in strategic infrastructure facilities.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L32, L33
- Figure 1. Public-private partnership criteria
- Figure 2. Regions, ranked by number of projects (1991–2019) (USD million)
- Figure 3. Regions ranked by investment (1991–2019)
- Figure 4. Changes in real GDP according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine
- Figure 5. Contracts being implemented
- Figure 6. Contracts not implemented
- Figure 7. Acquisition of direct investment in Ukraine (USD billon)
- Table 1. Indexes of Ukraine in the World Corruption Perception Rating
- Table 2. Acquisition of capital investments in% in the ratio from January-March 2019 to January-March 2018
- Table 3. The state of PPP implementation in Ukraine
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