The impact of quality management on inventories in commercial enterprises operating within group purchasing organizations
Received July 2, 2019;Accepted August 20, 2019;Published September 9, 2019
- Author(s)
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #3, pp. 362-369
Cited by3 articlesJournal title: RisksArticle title: Inventory Management in SMEs Operating in Polish Group Purchasing Organizations during the COVID-19 PandemicDOI: 10.3390/risks9040063Volume: 9 / Issue: 4 / First page: 63 / Year: 2021Contributors: Grzegorz Zimon, Vitalina Babenko, Beata Sadowska, Katarzyna Chudy-Laskowska, Blanka GosikJournal title: International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain ManagementArticle title: Research on Logistic Warehouse Scheduling Management With IoT and Human-Machine InterfaceDOI: 10.4018/IJISSCM.305846Volume: 15 / Issue: 4 / First page: 1 / Year: 2022Contributors: Lanjing Wang, Alfred Daniel J., Thanjai VadivelJournal title: WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICSArticle title: Management Strategies of Working Capital in Polish Services Providing CompaniesDOI: 10.37394/23207.2020.17.24Volume: 17 / Issue: / First page: 225 / Year: 2020Contributors: Grzegorz Zimon
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Inventory management costs are often high and it is necessary to introduce appropriate methods that cause their optimization. For this purpose, various types of methods supporting logistic processes are introduced. Joint activities within group purchasing organizations are also popular. Companies gain a possibility to reduce costs, in addition, when enterprises introduce appropriate quality management systems, the process of cost optimization and an improvement of inventory management efficiency should be even more visible. The purpose of this article is to analyze the impact of standardized quality management systems on inventory management. The research was conducted on a group of 68 enterprises operating in commercial group purchasing organizations. The enterprises were divided into two groups: into the companies using quality management systems and into those that do not use such systems. The analysis showed that the most frequently standardized quality management systems were used by large enterprises and the results of inventory management efficiency were at a similar level as compared to small units that do not apply quality management systems. The analysis based on selected financial indicators allows concluding that the introduction of quality management systems improves the efficiency of inventory management. The introduction of such systems allowed large enterprises to organize their warehouse management and reduce stocking reserves, which positively influenced the costs of managing them. The research period covers the years 2015–2017.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M21, P13, G30
- Figure 1. Functioning of warehouses in a commercial group purchasing organization
- Table 1. Average results for the inventory share ratio in the analyzed enterprises
- Table 2. Average results for the inventory turnover ratio in days in the analyzed enterprises
- Table 3. Average results of inventory in the analyzed enterprises
- Table 4. Average results for the financial liquidity ratio in the analyzed enterprises
- Table 5. Average results for the quick ratio in the enterprises analyzed
- Table 6. Values of correlation coefficients for selected ratios
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The role of total quality management in enhancing the quality of private healthcare services
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 18, 2020 Issue #2 pp. 64-78 Views: 1805 Downloads: 2051 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe study aims to explore the role of total quality management (TQM) in enhancing the service quality of the private healthcare sector in the Northern Area of West Bank Palestine. The study involves a questionnaire-based survey, private hospitals, and healthcare centers selected in North West Bank. The administrative employees are the population of the study, 200 employees were selected via stratified sampling method. By using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the findings show that all TQM factors are positively and directly related to each other in the private healthcare sector. There is a positive and direct relationship between four TQM factors (customer satisfaction, employee involvement, continual improvements, and top management commitment) and service quality, while there is a negative direct relationship between processes and service quality. TQM factors (customer satisfaction, employee involvement, continual improvements, processes, and top management commitment) explained 95% of the variance in healthcare service quality (R² = 0.950, P < 0.05). Continual improvements is the main pillar in TQM application in healthcare sector, and it is highly associated with the private healthcare processes (R² = 0.907, P < 0.01), while top management commitment is the most significant factor in improving the service quality. Full understanding and commitment by the managers across all levels and activating the effective communication between employees at all levels in the organization are the key factors of a successful TQM implementation; it helps in strengthening the teamwork efficiency. Top management is required to avoid the monotonic managerial practices, especially in the organizational processes, as it has a negative impact on the private healthcare service quality.
Development of the methodology for the comprehensive assessment of banking services quality
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 13, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 37-48 Views: 1629 Downloads: 254 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe crisis in the world financial markets, the capitalization of bank profits, the size of which is insufficient to maintain the existing level of the banking system of Kazakhstan, has actualized the quality problem not only in terms of forming credit portfolios of banks, managing banking risks, but also offering high-quality banking services.
Despite the fact that the banking services quality cannot directly affect the financial sphere, the production sphere, and also affect the sharp decline in the economy, the economic losses from poor banking services can significantly increase, causing significant losses to banks. At the same time, it should be considered that the financial losses of the firms as active participants in financial markets are significant in the amount of losses. Consequently, the banking services quality can cause not directly, but indirectly both the success of the banking business and the possible losses of banks. In order to manage the quality of banking services, it is necessary to have certain methods for analyzing and assessing the quality of banking services. This article attempts to solve this issue.
Using various research methods, based on obtaining real assessments of respondents, the present paper presents a methodology for the comprehensive assessment of banking services quality. The developed mechanism includes consolidation of organizational and methodological and economic and statistical methods of research: a five-step SERVQUAL model, integral and general indices, a multiple queue system, instruments of correlation and regression analysis that determine the level of customer satisfaction and problem characteristics of the quality of services offered. -
South Africa University students’ perceptions of key education service quality determinants
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 377-388 Views: 1287 Downloads: 314 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯUnderstanding higher education (HE) service quality is critical for success in a highly competitive environment, since through a better understanding of the determinants of HE service quality, HE managers and leaders could better manage HE service quality better. A survey was conducted among a purposive judgmental sample of 400 students, from two HE institution campuses in SA, to identify their perceptions of key service quality determinants (KSQDs), and the importance of the KSQDs, by using a semi-structured questionnaire. It was ascertained that students ranked KSQDs as follows: Responsiveness, Assurance, Reliability, Tangibles, and Empathy (RARTE), and in terms of their importance, the KSQDs were ranked as follows: Responsiveness, Reliability, Assurance, Empathy and Tangibles (RRAET). Higher education leadership should take note of the KSQDs and focus their resources on these in order to create an organization that is student-centric.