Development of the methodology for the comprehensive assessment of banking services quality
Article InfoVolume 13 2018, Issue #1, pp. 37-48
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
The crisis in the world financial markets, the capitalization of bank profits, the size of which is insufficient to maintain the existing level of the banking system of Kazakhstan, has actualized the quality problem not only in terms of forming credit portfolios of banks, managing banking risks, but also offering high-quality banking services.
Despite the fact that the banking services quality cannot directly affect the financial sphere, the production sphere, and also affect the sharp decline in the economy, the economic losses from poor banking services can significantly increase, causing significant losses to banks. At the same time, it should be considered that the financial losses of the firms as active participants in financial markets are significant in the amount of losses. Consequently, the banking services quality can cause not directly, but indirectly both the success of the banking business and the possible losses of banks. In order to manage the quality of banking services, it is necessary to have certain methods for analyzing and assessing the quality of banking services. This article attempts to solve this issue.
Using various research methods, based on obtaining real assessments of respondents, the present paper presents a methodology for the comprehensive assessment of banking services quality. The developed mechanism includes consolidation of organizational and methodological and economic and statistical methods of research: a five-step SERVQUAL model, integral and general indices, a multiple queue system, instruments of correlation and regression analysis that determine the level of customer satisfaction and problem characteristics of the quality of services offered.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G21, G20, G12, C10, E43
- Figure 1. Algorithm scheme of a methodology for the comprehensive assessment of banking services quality
- Table 1. Values of general and integral quality indicators
- Table 2. Evaluation of banking services quality compliance with the requirements of consumers
- Table 3. The main indicators of the model for assessing banking services quality of two groups of respondents
- Table 4. Number of bank’s customers flow
- Table 5. Value of theoretical frequencies for the customers flow
- Table 6. Bank customer service time
- Table 7. Average customer service time interval
- Table 8. Theoretical frequencies value for customer service time intervals
- Table 9. Performance characteristics of the bank’s credit departments, represented by the multichannel waiting QS
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