Special features of formation of the source base for economic socialization
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #3, pp. 271-279
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Trends in the global social development increasingly clearly demonstrate their relation to the processes of socialization of the global economy. Countries around the world are creating a global socio-economic space in the framework of integration and globalization. Global development of social economies in the world serves as the basis for further cooperation of the countries in addressing global problems and ensuring decent living standards of the population. It also applies to the countries with transition economies. The main problem of development of the process of economy socialization is its financial support, which makes the search for potential sources of financing more relative.
The article’s aim is to assess the source base of socialization of the economy of Ukraine as a country with transition economy with identification of strengths and weaknesses of financial security of social processes in the country.
Method of investigation was the correlation-regression analysis of the source base of socialization of the Ukrainian economy with construction of a multifactor regression equation. The main result of the article is correlation-regression analysis that has found that the amount of income of the population is significantly affected by two indicators: financing of scientific and technical works and the amount of loans provided by the Ukrainian banks to the residents. In the article, it is proposed to stimulate the innovative activity through increasing the funding of scientific and technical works from different sources that can be practical recommendation to the government politics.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)А13, С50, G00
- Figure 1. Dynamics of amount of actual and estimated income of population of Ukraine within 2000–2017, mln UAH
- Table 1. Dynamics of source base of providing socialization of economy of Ukraine within 2000–2017
- Table 2. Matrix of results of correlation analysis of indicators Х1-7
- Table 3. Calculation results
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