Governance of factors for the regional insurance market development (evidence from Russia)
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #3, pp. 492-507
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Insurance is the most important institution for social and financial protection. Therefore, the development level of the regional insurance market not only determines the volume and quality of this protection, but also influences the social and economic development of the region through the coverage of risks and the provision of additional jobs. In turn, many factors have a significant impact on the development of the regional insurance market itself. This study is aimed at developing a model for governing the development factors of the regional insurance market, which (governance) focuses on improving the development efficiency of not only the regional insurance market itself, but also the socio-economic development of the relevant region. In this regard, the model for governing the factors of development of the regional insurance market involves solving the following scientific problems: identifying national factors for the functioning and development of the Russian insurance market that influence the development of the regional insurance market; determining regional development factors affecting the regional insurance market; identifying the impact of the regional insurance market on the socio-economic development of the region; developing recommendations on the effective impact of national and regional factors on the regional insurance market development and, through it, on the socio-economic development of the region. Implementation of the proposed model for governing the factors for the regional insurance market development will increase its efficiency and strengthen the socio-economic development of the region.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J18, J22
- Figure 1. Dynamics of the Russian insurance portfolio structure, billion rubles
- Figure 2. The structure of insurers’ expenses and financial results of insurance activities in 2017
- Figure 3. Scheme of the influence of national and regional stimulants and constraints on the development of RIM and the region
- Table 1. The growth rate of insurance premiums for the main types of insurance, %
- Table 2. Dynamics of the number of insurers registered in the Russian Federation for the 2010–2018 period
- Table 3. Regional development factors affecting the RIM in the Central Federal District (CFD), the Northwest Federal District (NWFD), and the Southern Federal District (SFD) and Ural Federal district (UFD)
- Table 4. Example of managing the national constraints of the insurance market affecting the RIM development
- Table 5. Example of managing national stimulants of the insurance market that affect the RIM development
- Table 6. Managing regional constraints affecting the RIM development in Khakassia
- Table 7. Managing regional stimulants affecting the RIM development in Khakassia
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