New workplace forecasting in the industrial sector of the Ukrainian economy
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #4, pp. 384-394
- Cited by
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Creating new workplaces and modernizing the existing ones to provide appropriate and highly-efficient employment of able-bodied citizens is one of the most acute economic and social issues at the current stage of development in Ukraine.
The article deals with the problems of creating new workplaces in the Ukrainian industrial sector, considers the main tendencies and suggests approaches to partially solve problems coming from the development of the workplace creation factors in order to increase workplace efficiency and its technological capacity.
The model of the number of new workplaces dependence on the impact factors system (labor, capital, research and technology developments, management quality) was developed using 19 one-factor and multi-factor equations, among which six most relevant were selected for industry as a whole and five for the processing industry.
The calculations, according to the proposed model, have shown a tendency of increasing the number of new workplaces both in industry in general and in the processing industry in particular. However, there are decreasing tendencies of the growth rate. This can be explained by the fact of the labor productivity increasing, as well as decreasing tendency in the need for new workplaces in order to restore the pre-crisis rate of production.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J20, J40, L60
- Figure 1. A model for assessment of new workplace dynamics in industry
- Figure 2. The scheme of new workplaces forecasting in industry
- Figure 3. Forecasting of the new workplaces in industry as a whole and in the processing industry during 2018–2023
- Table 1. Systematization of factors (Xi) in order to build an econometric model for creating new workplaces (Yi)
- Тable 2. Information base for modeling the volumes of the new workplaces in the Ukrainian industry for 2010–2016
- Table 3. Information base for modeling the volumes of new workplaces in the Ukrainian processing industry for 2010–2016
- Table 4. Forecasting factors for calculating the number of new workplaces in industry (as a whole) in 2019–2023
- Table 5. Forecasting factors for calculating the number of new workplaces in the processing industry in 2019–2023
- Table 6. Forecast of growth (slowdown) rate of new workplaces in industry (as a whole) for 2019–2023
- Table 7. Forecast of growth (slowdown) rate of new workplaces in the processing industry for 2019–2023
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