Desire and climate on employee performance – a study on plantation state-owned enterprise in Indonesia
Article InfoVolume 15 2017, Issue #4, pp. 222-229
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Motivation and work environment play a major role in optimizing the employee performance. Investigating the influence of achievement motivation and organizational climate on employees’ performance is the main goal of this study. Furthermore, the survey method is used by this study. Meanwhile, the data were analyzed by using Partial Least Square. The study sample consisted of 226 employees who work in Plantation State-Owned Enterprise. The samples were taken with simple random sampling technique. The result shows that motivation and organizational climate have an influence on work performance. In summary, the organizational efforts are fundamental in increasing employee achievement motivation and creating conducive organizational climate. As a result, the employee performance can reach the optimum level.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M12, M50, L250
- Figure 1. The path analysis of research variables
- Table 1. Gender of respondents
- Table 2. Level of education
- Table 3. Age of respondents
- Table 4. Result of outer loading
- Table 5. Result of path analysis
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