Barriers and opportunities for hi-tech innovative small and medium enterprises development in the 4th industrial revolution era
Received November 5, 2017;Accepted December 6, 2017;Published December 20, 2017
Author(s)Link to ORCID Index:
, Iuliia Gernego , Vyacheslav Dyba ,
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Article InfoVolume 15 2017, Issue #4, pp. 100-113
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High-tech innovative SMEs’ development plays crucial role in economic growth of every country. It creates new work places and infrastructure, motivates people for creating new ideas. At the same time, SMEs still face with a huge number of problems in the business performance. The purposes of the research are: to define main barriers for high-tech SMEs’ development in the 4th industrial revolution era (4IR); to work out recommendations for policy-makers towards intensification of SMEs’ potential.
For this purpose, the authors reviewed studies devoted to the SMEs’ innovative development and revealed that main barriers of SMEs’ development are related to inefficient government support in this sphere. In order to work out recommendations for Ukrainian policy-makers in the area of SMEs’ development, the authors conducted a survey of local high-tech SMEs and on the basis of SWOT-analysis distinguished the main directions for their further improvement. Finally, a set of recommendations for improving SMEs’ environment in Ukraine, taking into consideration the challenges of the 4th IR, was developed.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O30, O38, O11
- Figure 1. Contribution of SMEs to GDP (middle values) (Growing the global economy through SMEs)
- Figure 2. The Kauffman Index of startup activity (1997–2016)
- Figure 3. Main obstacles for SMEs growth in developing countries (Wang, 2016)
- Figure 4. Types of government support for development of innovations
- Figure 5. Areas of surveyed small innovative business activity
- Table 1. The number of enterprises, employment and value added by SMEs and large enterprises in the EU-28 in 2015
- Table 2. SWOT-analysis of SME Development Policy Implementation in Ukraine, 2016
- Table 3. Roadmaps of development strategies in different countries
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Non-financial factors affecting the operational performance of hospitality companies: Evidence from Vietnam
Trung Kien Phan, Thi Hong Thuy Nguyen
, Thu Ha Dang
, Van Thuan Tran
, Kim Ngoc Le
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #4 pp. 48-62 Views: 9409 Downloads: 1439 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯNon-financial factors including quality of services, the flexibility of a company, utilization of resources, and market orientation are regarded as significant determinants that enhance the profitability-based performance of a service company or a hotel. The study investigated the interaction between these factors and hotel operating performance measured by the hospitality performance and results indicators. Data on 346 executives of Vietnam’s hospitality companies were collected. A structural equation modeling (SEM) method was utilized to examine the positive-direct and moderating effects of non-financial factors on hotel performance in terms of occupancy rate (OCR), average daily rate (ADR), and the revenue per available room (RevPAR). The findings showed that service quality ( = 0.118, p < 0.05), flexibility ( = 0.173, p < 0.05) and resource utilization (= 0.172, p < 0.05) positively affected the performance of Vietnam’s hospitality companies. Meanwhile, innovation showed no direct influence (p = 0.068) but an indirect impact on the performance through service quality ( = 0.311, p < 0.05). Market orientation did not impact the performance (p = 0.076) but it positively affected both innovation ( = 0.322, p < 0.05) and service quality ( = 0.146, p < 0.05). The study contributed to a theoretical enhancement of the current level of knowledge on the factors that affect the performance and developed a reliable scale for measuring the performance of hotels in Vietnam.
Exploring fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) small, medium and micro enterprises manufacturers’ need for innovation to achieve growth
Lawrence Mpele Lekhanya, Nze Grace Olajumoke , Dorasamy Nirmala doi:
Environmental Economics Volume 8, 2017 Issue #2 pp. 8-16 Views: 5788 Downloads: 1212 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the problems of the sustainable development, to explore the level of innovation in the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) manufacturing SMMEs sectors, which most affects on the state of the environment, to identify the causes of low innovation in the industry and to examine these factors influence on the effectiveness of SMMEs manufacturers innovation strategies, as well as to invent a new innovation strategic approach to overcome innovation problems in the economic growth of fast moving consumer goods SMMEs manufacturers. The study is aimed to determine the level of innovation and factors contributing to low innovation in fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) SMMEs manufacturers, which hinder their economic performance. Mixed approach of quantitative and qualitative questionnaire is used for primary data collection. Sample consists of 120 SMMEs. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) (23.0) was employed for data analysis. The study results are presented with figures and diagrams. This study will be a useful tool for general public and relevant stakeholders in this sector.
Life insurance companies marketing strategy in the digital world
Insurance Markets and Companies Volume 9, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 70-78 Views: 3298 Downloads: 919 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe research is aimed to evaluate the internet marketing strategies in of life insurance companies in Ukraine. The insurance service in the time of digitalization faces scenarios of implementation in the marketing strategy on-line component. The main challenge for Ukrainian life insurance companies comparatively with the world practice is non-obligatory status of such kind of insurance contracts. So, on the one hand, costs of operation, regulatory pressures and inflexible technology infrastructure are increasing, and, on the other hand, economic recession does not allow to increase the number of insured persons, premiums and profit growth.
Sector of financial services is characterized by an increase in the level of competition, life insurance compelled to compete with pensions funds, banks and other financial institutions in order to defend their market share. Insurance companies marketing strategy determines how an insurer can best achieve its goals and objectives, keep existing customers and attract new ones with minimal costs.
Keeping all the above problems around the study would attempt to study all the factors that contributed to the effective marketing strategies. This paper presents different marketing strategies that are taken up in life insurance services keeping in view external and internal environment of the company.