ISO 9001 as a standard of quality management in Poland and Czech Republic: an analysis based on the global data
Article InfoVolume 15 2017, Issue #3, pp. 266-275
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
It is vital to remember that there are numerous kinds of standards compliant with the ISO 9001 standard. ISO 9001 standard is one of many pro-quality solutions adopted in companies worldwide. Starting to apply pro-quality solutions in an organization, in particular the ISO 9001 standard implementation, is up to the decision making body. The analyses also show that the ISO 9001 standard meets the requirements of decision-making body. This trend is positive and continues to increase. Therefore, it is likely to forecast that the implementation dynamics will still be increasing in the near future.
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JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L15
- Figure 1. The Kaizen Umbrella
- Figure 2. The number of countries, which apply ISO 9001 certification in a particular region in 1993 and in 2015
- Figure 3. The number of the registered certificates in the European countries – 10 top countries
- Figure 4. The number of the registered certificates in other European countries (2015)
- Figure 5. The number of the registered certificates in Poland and the Czech Republic
- Table 1. The number of the registered certificates by continent
- Table 2. The number of the registered certificates by continent
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