The impact of the forced displacement of universities due to the occupation of certain territories of Ukraine on the effectiveness of their activities: “Top 200 Ukraine” universities ranking
Article InfoVolume 23 2025, Issue #2 (spec. issue), pp. 176-197
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The study targets temporarily displaced universities that changed their location due to the outbreak of the armed military conflict in Ukraine in 2014 and Russia’s full-scale military aggression in 2022. This paper focuses on the leadership of universities in implementing their third mission, which is critical to fostering the economic and social development of the regions. The purpose is to assess the impact of forced, urgent, and unplanned relocation of universities (due to the potential or actual occupation of certain territories of the country by enemy forces) on their effectiveness.
According to the rating of Ukrainian universities, “Top 200 Ukraine”, the rating indicators for the last 10 years of temporarily displaced universities from the occupied territories were analyzed. А comprehensive analysis of the challenges faced by temporarily displaced universities in Ukraine was done.
Statistical analysis has confirmed the decline in ranking positions by displaced higher education institutions. The findings indicate a minimum five-year decrease in performance metrics for all institutions following relocation, with the success of adaptation to new conditions being contingent upon the institution’s capacity and resources. The data suggest that displaced universities face existential threats and require enhanced support from both governmental and international communities. A review of scholarly research on the strategic management of higher education institutions and their leading role in regional development underscores the necessity of preserving these institutions to facilitate the socio-economic reconstruction of war-affected territories.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)I25, I28, O15
- Figure 1. Dynamics of changes in the number of full-time employees in public HEIs of the first wave of relocation
- Figure 2. Dynamics of changes in the number of higher education students enrolled in a state-funded program in public HEIs of the first wave of relocation
- Figure A1. Dynamics of changes in the ranking positions of temporarily displaced higher education institutions in 2022 from Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions for 2013–2024 according to the analysis of the university ranking “Top 200 Ukrai
- Table 1. Reorganized, liquidated, and merged universities (2018–2021)
- Table А1. Pairwise comparison by year of change in rating positions of 13 relocated higher education institutions according to the Wilcoxon criterion (2013–2020): Ranks
- Table А2. Statistics of the Wilcoxon test for comparing the ratings of 13 relocated higher education institutions (2013–2020)
- Table А3. Comparison of ratings of 13 relocated higher education institutions in 2014 and 2020 according to the Wilcoxon criterion: Ranks
- Table А4. Test statistics for comparing the ratings of 13 relocated higher education institutions in 2014 and 2020 according to the Wilcoxon test
- Table A5. Comparison of ratings of nine relocated higher education institutions (2013–2024) according to the Wilcoxon test: Ranks
- Table A6. Comparison of ratings of nine relocated universities from 2013 to 2024 according to the Wilcoxon test: Test statistics
- Table A7. Comparison of rankings of nine displaced universities in 2014 and 2024
- Table A8. Comparison of rankings of nine displaced universities in 2014 and 2024 using the Wilcoxon criterion
- Table A9. Comparison of rankings of 22 displaced universities using the Wilcoxon criterion: Ranks
- Table A10. Comparison of the ratings of 22 relocated universities according to the Wilcoxon test: Test statistics
- Table A11. Correlation of ranking indicators of relocated universities by year (2013–2020, 13 universities): Kendell and Spearman rank correlation coefficients
- Table A12. Correlation of ranking indicators of relocated universities by year (2013–2024, nine universities): Kendell and Spearman coefficients
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