Adoption of big data analytics in medium-large supply chain firms in Saudi Arabia
Article InfoVolume 6 2022, Issue #1, pp. 62-74
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Big Data Analytics (BDA) is one of the most digital innovations for supporting supply chain firms’ activities. Empirically, multiple benefits of BDA in Supply Chain Management (SCM) have been demonstrated. The study aimed to investigate the relationship between technical, organizational, and environmental factors and supply chain firms’ performance using the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework and the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory. This study was conducted at medium-large supply chain firms in Saudi Arabia, the sample size reached 700 firms recognized by Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry in different domains. In this study, a questionnaire was used to collect primary data. The collected data are analyzed using SPSS version 26.0. SPSS is used to describe respondents’ demographic profiles. The percentage of respondents to the questionnaire reached 57%. In addition, to test hypotheses and accomplish research goals, PLS-SEM version 3.0 is used to examine the relationship between independent and dependent variables. From the PLS results, the study reported that complexity (β = 0.097, t = 2.817), security (β = 0.222, t = 3.486), IT expertise (β = 0.108, t = 1.993), and external support (β = 0.211, t = 3.468) were positively related to firm’s performance; in contrast, relative advantage (β = –0.006, t = 0.200), compatibility (β = –0.020, t = 0.314), top management support (β = –0.046, t = 0.386), organizational resources (β = –0.065, t = 1.179), competitive pressure (β = –0.011, t = 0.199), and privacy (β = –0.05, t = 0.872) were negatively related to firm’s performance.
- Keywords
- Table 1. Results of Outer Loading, Cronbach’s Alpha, CR, and AVE for composite variables
- Table 2. Path coefficient of variables
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