Issue #1 (Volume 4 2020)
ReleasedJanuary 06, 2021
21 Authors
5 Tables
20 Figures
- bibliometric analysis
- case study
- Closed Innovation
- editor
- fact-checking
- global virtual class
- information technology
- information tools
- knowledge
- knowledge management
Categorization of case in case study research method: new approach
Knowledge and Performance Management Volume 4, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 1-14
Views: 2153 Downloads: 1467 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study was inspired by two of the leading papers in the case study method: Eisenhardt (1991) and Dyer and Wilkins (1991). The work of those authors could be considered a benchmark for research based on a case study. Additionally, this research comes as a complement to re-categorize case study research design. After reviewing those papers, the authors identified certain misunderstandings relative to when a case study should be addressed as single or multiple case studies. This study reviewed both recent and ancient research papers that used the case study research design in their investigations based on this misunderstanding. Thus, the previously identified misinterpretation of case study categorization is the gap this study filled. For this study, the case study research design was to be re-categorized to understand which case study design suits which research study. Accordingly, based on the identified gap, the study used secondary data to re-categorize the case study research design through a literature review method. As a result, the study identified three case study categories: single setting case study with single sub-case, single setting case study with multiple sub-cases, and multiple case studies. Consequently, the result re-categorizes single case study design into single sub-case and multiple sub-cases. This study makes recommendations through the proposed approach that filled the gap identified in the case study design categorization. In terms of adding to knowledge, this study’s proposed approach will augment the optimal use of case study research design by management, economics, and other disciplines’ researchers in the future.
Information technologies for developing a company’s knowledge management system
Maxim Polyakov, Igor Khanin
, Vladimir Bilozubenko
, Maxim Korneyev
, Natalia Nebaba
Knowledge and Performance Management Volume 4, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 15-25
Views: 1642 Downloads: 318 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯEscalating competition, technological changes and the struggle for innovation present companies with a knowledge management (KM) challenge. To implement it at the modern level, it is necessary to develop a knowledge management system (KMS). Significant opportunities for this are created by information technologies (IT), qualitatively changing approaches to knowledge management. Therefore, the study aims to clarify the theoretical foundations of shaping the company’s KMS and conceptualize information tools for its formation. Within the theoretical foundations of KM, its essence (as a systematic management activity and a set of measures to ensure the business processes of obtaining, storing, disseminating and using knowledge in the company), the subject (the aforementioned processes and various types of knowledge), and links with other types of management (innovation, information, personnel management, etc.) are specified. Given the main goals, principles and tasks of KM, its main approaches, key processes and control elements are summarized. The conceptual foundations of KMS development are formulated and its subsystems (methodological, planning, information, and functional subsystems for ensuring business processes for obtaining, distributing and using knowledge) are highlighted. Given the importance of IT, the following concepts have been formulated: a portal for R&D management, innovation management platforms, and a tool for formalizing knowledge and corporate knowledge base. Their purpose, functionality, and the role of ensuring work with knowledge and KM implementation are described. The problem of their implementation, operation and improvement is emphasized. The research results allow creating a new technological basis for the introduction of knowledge management.
Reviewing articles as a way of professional evaluation of scientific texts: organizational and ethical aspects
Knowledge and Performance Management Volume 4, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 26-36
Views: 890 Downloads: 193 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe purpose of the paper is to summarize the organizational and ethical aspects, problems and prospects of peer reviewing. To do this, from September 2019 to January 2020, a survey of Ukrainian scientists registered in Facebook groups “Ukrainian Scientific Journals”, “Ukrainian Scientists Worldwide”, “Pseudoscience News in Ukraine”, “Higher Education and Science of Ukraine: Decay or Blossom?” and others was conducted. In total, 390 researchers from different disciplines participated in the survey. The results of the survey are following: 8.7% of respondents prefer open peer review, 43.1% – single-blind, 37.7% – double blind, 9.2% – triple blind, 1.3% used to sign a review prepared by the author. 75.6% of respondents had conflicts of interest during peer reviewing. 8.2 % of reviewers never reject articles regardless of their quality. Because usually only editors and authors see reviews, it can lead to the following issues: reviewers can be rude or biased; authors may not adequately respond to grounded criticism; editors may disregard the position of the author or reviewer, and journals may charge for publishing articles without proper peer review.
The impact of collaboration strategy in the field of innovation on the effectiveness of organizational structure of healthcare institutions
Tetiana Grynko, Tetiana Shevchenko , Roman Pavlov
, Vladyslav Shevchenko , Dariusz Pawliszczy
Knowledge and Performance Management Volume 4, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 37-51
Views: 1396 Downloads: 284 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe need for innovative development of healthcare institutions is determined by the necessity to increase the efficiency of organizational processes based on the formation of new models of cooperation, which will make it possible to get access to new technologies and knowledge. The goal of the study is to determine the parameters of the impact of innovative open cooperation strategy and the strategy of innovative closed cooperation of healthcare institutions on the effectiveness of their organizational structure in the context of dissemination and the use of knowledge. Simulation modeling was applied to generate the most effective organizational management structure in the context of innovative cooperation and knowledge exchange within the organizational processes “Inside-out” and “Inside-in”. It is substantiated that the strategies of innovative cooperation “Open Innovation/Closed Innovation” have a significant impact on the organizational structure of management of healthcare institutions in terms of the “degree of centralization” (Dci), “degree of mediation” (Dii), and “degree of centralization of powers” (Dpi). The values of the selected criteria range from 25,52% to 61,50% in the case of Dii, and from 34,53% to 52,63% in the case of Dci, which indicates a higher efficiency of organizational knowledge exchange processes in healthcare institutions, which adhere to the Open Innovation strategy of innovative cooperation. Therefore, there are significant differences in the effectiveness of the management’s organizational structure depending on the degree of openness of innovative cooperation of healthcare institutions. The strategy of innovative openness allows increasing the number and quality of connections in the context of knowledge exchange between the subjects (actors, agents) of the organizational structure (in a broad sense, considering internal and external levels of externality) of healthcare institutions, regardless of the distance between them and the level of similarity.
Reforming the education system to prevent labor migration
Hanna Shvindina, Stanislav Kotenko
, Anna Vorontsova
, Vita Gordienko
, Yuriy Petrushenko
, Dipra Jha
Knowledge and Performance Management Volume 4, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 52-66
Views: 755 Downloads: 195 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe world economy is in an unprecedented situation, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the health care crisis. It’s currently difficult to predict all the consequences, but there are undoubtful changes in migration flows, unemployment and poverty increase, and their impact on national economies and globally. The paper aimed at analyzing the cases of educational reforms in different countries, revealing new trends in education and learning that may prevent labor migration or mitigate it. To support feasibility of the study, a bibliometric analysis was implemented on the basis of Scopus tools and VOSviewer software. In this paper, the content analysis of several cases in a sphere of educational reform was performed, namely educational systems of some EU countries and their former members (UK, France, Finland) as well as the most developed world economies (USA, China, and Japan). The distance learning is considered as fundamentally necessary in today’s conditions and a milestone of the global educational system development. The paper investigates the essence and distribution of mass online courses as a typical type of distance learning. The case of virtual exchange that was managed and organized by several institutions within the COIL initiative was also analyzed the alternative to traditional learning. The recommendations about the further development of educational systems were made, as well as suggestions about the competitiveness of national economies due to the migration process.
Acknowledgment and funding
This research was funded by a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Reforming the lifelong learning system in Ukraine for the prevention of the labor emigration: a coopetition model of institutional partnership” (No. 0120U102001).