Scientific component of the legal education in Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 2 2018, Issue #1, pp. 13-23
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
The training of law specialists in the context of the European integration processes should be based on educational standards and requirements both of the national legislation and international acts. In present conditions of dynamic development of social relations and, accordingly, the development and improvement of legislation, the scientific knowledge of legal phenomena becomes increasingly important both in practical activities (law-making and law enforcement) and in the process of training of specialists in the field of law. The knowledge of legal phenomena, categories, concepts and terms is a complex process of understanding the essence, content and structure of these phenomena in the process of scientific activity aimed at identifying the true characteristics of the surrounding social and legal environment in order to obtain the knowledge about these phenomena, their objective relationships and principles for their further use in practical legal activity (law-making and law enforcement).The application of scientific principles in legal education does not cause any doubt, however methodological approaches and the issues of employment of certain methodological techniques to ensure the unity of science and practice remain controversial. The article presents the author’s vision of solving complex issues relating to the understanding of the essence of legal phenomena by unifying the terminology, improving the conceptual apparatus and applying the relevant classification, etc. The presented authors’ reflections will help find the optimal model for developing a training process for specialists in the field of law. Such a model should take into account not only the labor market demand but also the practical skills and knowledge of law and legal practice. Therefore it is extremely important to use scientific principles in the educational process, the formation of scientific thinking of students and acquisition by them of scientific approaches and the methodology of scientific research.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)I21, I25, K10
- Figure 1. Model of the legal phenomenon
- Figure 2. Chain of knowledge
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