The modern context of the human development risks
Article InfoVolume 1 2017, Issue #1, pp. 27-35
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The article studies objective preconditions of development of the concept of ‘human development risks’; the most prominent works of sociological science and their contribution to the theory of social risks, with some alternative modern interpretations of the risks of social development, which find their expression in such social movements as ‘anti-consumerism’ and ‘de-growth’. The focus is made on interpretations formed at the junction of two global concepts including ‘human development’ and ‘sustainable development’, as well as their reflection in international documents and activities of international organizations. The results of activities regarding the determination of priorities of sustainable development for Ukraine are presented. The specific features of the risks’ manifestation and their interpretation for the human development of Ukraine on the background of unfavorable socioeconomic dynamics are presented, while the estimates of Ukraine’s human development indices and their dynamics at the regional level are introduced.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)I31
- Fig. 1. The system of indicators of regional human development index
- Fig. 2. Dynamics of indices by various aspects of human development in the regions of Ukraine, 2008-2015
- Fig. 3. The lagging from the target parameters for certain aspects of the regional human development
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