Innovations in the insurance market of a developing country: Case of Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 17 2020, Issue #4, pp. 175-188
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Modern insurance business, including in developing countries, is associated with the introduction of innovations. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the features of the insurance market’s innovation in Ukraine by reviewing the literature and analytical data on the market as a whole and its individual participants. The results show that innovations implemented in the insurance market can be classified according to certain characteristics, which provides opportunities for its empirical study. The analysis reveals that the peculiarities of the innovative development of the Ukrainian insurance market are determined by many factors, among which digitalization and increased risks due to the COVID-19 pandemic are the main ones today. Based on the analysis of leading insurance companies’ practice, it is concluded that they implement only a limited amount of innovations, mainly of incremental and combinatorial types, and do not actively use modern communication channels with consumers. The results highlight the need for insurance and FinTech companies to cooperate in the innovation ecosystem, which is still being formed in the Ukrainian insurance market. The study also considers the possibility of using a system of indicators to assess the innovativeness of insurance companies.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G22, O31
- Figure 1. Dynamics of the gross insurance premiums to GDP ratio in Ukraine in 2010–2019
- Figure 2. Dynamics of some Ukrainian insurance market’s indicators in 2015–2019
- Figure 3. Dynamics of some performance indicators of PZU Ukraine in 2016–2019
- Figure 4. Dynamics of some innovation indicators of PZU Ukraine in 2016–2019
- Table 1. Types of insurance companies’ process innovations
- Table 2. Indicators for assessing the innovation of an insurance company
- Table A1. Product and process innovations of TOP10 Ukrainian risk insurance companies (as of mid-2020)
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