Development of innovative forms of logistics provision
Article InfoVolume 15 2018, Issue #2, pp. 327-339
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The purpose of the article is to study and justify the need to use information technologies (IT), in particular financial, logistics provision and in the management of business processes. This will increase competitive advantages, improve the quality of logistics services and reduce the cost of their implementation. In accordance with the goal, such interrelated tasks are solved: peculiarities of development of integrated logistics providers are defined and studied; priority directions in the work of providers are determined; the foreign and Ukrainian experience of implementation of services in the field of logistics are analyzed; necessity of using virtual logistics providers in the market of transport and logistics services is substantiated. Scientific novelty of the conducted research consists in theoretical substantiation and experimental confirmation of methods and tools for development, management and organization of information support of logistics provider activity. The particular attention in the research is paid to modeling and designing of information support systems for innovative forms of logistics providers. Their activities are based on the automation of the implementation of logistics business processes, as well as capabilities of artificial intelligence when making managerial decisions in the field of logistics to improve the financial position of enterprises. The practical significance of the research is to develop an innovative virtual logistics provider in the market of logistics services and expand financial possibilities of using innovative logistics provider tools to improve processes of information support management for logistics operating activities.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L91, R40
- Figure 1. Cycle chain of the logistics process of 5PL provider
- Figure 2. Virtual logistics provider (VLP) modeling scheme
- Table 1. Western European classification of logistics provision activity
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