Relationship between advertising and firm value: Evidence from Jordan
Article InfoVolume 21 2025, Issue #1, pp. 314-325
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The impact of advertising and sales promotion on firm value and sales performance within the Jordanian manufacturing sector was examined, recognizing the significant role of advertising in enhancing competitive market outcomes. The study aimed to investigate the effect of advertising and sales promotion on firm value within the manufacturing Jordanian firms that holds a benefit for deciphering several challenges and opportunities that firms face within an emerging market context. Data from 64 Jordanian manufacturing firms listed on Amman Stock Exchange between 2014 and 2022 were analyzed. Regression analysis was applied across two models: one focused on the relationship between advertising expenditures and firm value, while the other assessed sales performance. Firm size and return on equity served as control variables across both models.
The results revealed that advertising and sales promotion expenses had a significant and positive effect on both firm value and sales performance. Specifically, advertising’s impact on firm value was characterized by a coefficient of 0.107 and a t-value of 3.640, while its effect on sales performance yielded a coefficient of 0.321 and a t-value of 9.372, both with p-values of 0.00, highlighting a strong statistical significance. Additionally, firm size demonstrated a robust positive effect on both outcomes, underscoring its role as a critical control factor. Return on equity, however, did not yield a significant effect. These findings underscore the importance of advertising as a driver of firm growth and market position, particularly in larger firms. Investment in advertising appears to foster sustainable value and performance enhancements, offering firms in competitive sectors a strategic path for growth.
This research was funded through the annual funding track by the Deanship of Scientific Research, from the vice presidency for graduate studies and scientific research, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia [Grant no. KFU250963].
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M37, G32, L25
- Table 1. Descriptive analysis
- Table 2. Pearson correlation
- Table 3. Spearman correlation
- Table 4. Model 1
- Table 5. Model 2
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