Effects of brand innovation and marketing dynamic capability on the performance of international hotels
Article InfoVolume 18 2022, Issue #1, pp. 63-78
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The Covid-19 epidemic has resulted in a dramatic decline in hotel public consumption. Hotel performance must be enhanced through the use of a hotel marketing strategy to compete with others. The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between the innovation of the brand, dynamic capability of marketing, brand communication, brand experience, and brand performance in Indonesian 3-5 star international hotels. The data for this study were acquired using an electronic questionnaire on Google Forms from 530 customers who stayed in hotels throughout Indonesia prior to and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Smart-PLS 3.2.9 was used to analyze the data using the outer model and the inner model. The findings indicated as follows: brand innovation has a positive effect on brand communication; dynamic marketing capability has a positive influence on brand communication; brand communication directly has a positive effect on brand experience; brand experience significantly has a positive effect on brand performance; brand communication directly has a positive effect on brand performance; brand innovation has a positive influence on brand performance, and dynamic marketing capability has a positive effect on brand performance. This study contributes to the worldwide hotel strategy’s global marketing efforts in order to compete and improve performance in an increasingly competitive hotel business.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M31, Z32
- Figure 1. Research framework
- Table 1. Measurement model
- Table 2. HTMT ratio
- Table 3. VIF statistics
- Table 4. CMV
- Table 5. R2 and Q2
- Table 6. Hypothesis testing
- Table A1. Respondent profile
- Table A2. Outer loadings
- Table A3. Common method variance
- Table A4. Model fit
- Table A5. Predictive relevance
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