Grain pricing in Ukraine: A case study of malted barley
Received July 23, 2021;Accepted October 7, 2021;Published October 27, 2021
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Article InfoVolume 17 2021, Issue #4, pp. 26-36
Cited by7 articlesJournal title: Financial and credit activity problems of theory and practiceArticle title: MODELING THE STRUCTURAL RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE DYNAMICS OF AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE, THE AGRARIAN SECTOR AND THE LEVEL OF FOOD SECURITY IN UKRAINEDOI: 10.55643/fcaptp.4.51.2023.4113Volume: 4 / Issue: 51 / First page: 230 / Year: 2023Contributors: Zuzana Juhászová, Anton Marci, Olena Zhuravka, Natalia Sidelnyk, Anton Boyko, Tetyana VasylievaJournal title: Economy of UkraineArticle title: ІНСТРУМЕНТИ ХЕДЖУВАННЯ В УПРАВЛІННІ ЦІНОВИМИ РИЗИКАМИ (на прикладі аграрного і енергетичного ринків України)DOI: 10.15407/economyukr.2024.03.019Volume: 67 / Issue: 3 / First page: 19 / Year: 2024Contributors: Марія ДИХА, Валерій ДИХАJournal title: Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-JournalArticle title: Моделювання впливу вартості мінеральних добрив на результативність виробництва й експорту кукурудзи з УкраїниDOI: 10.51599/are.2022.08.03.07Volume: 8 / Issue: 3 / First page: 123 / Year: 2022Contributors: Anatolii Dibrova, Larysa Dibrova, Alla Chmil, Maksym Dibrova, Mykhailo НuzJournal title: Public and Municipal FinanceArticle title: Assessment of Ukraine’s external debt burden under geopolitical instabilityDOI: 10.21511/pmf.12(2).2023.06Volume: 12 / Issue: 2 / First page: 67 / Year: 2023Contributors: Mila Razinkova, Natalia Nebaba, Maxim Korneyev, Tetiana Yakovenko, Anna BohorodytskaJournal title: JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIESArticle title: Production risk in the crop farming of the Baltic States, Poland, and GermanyDOI: 10.14254/2071-8330.2024/17-2/6Volume: 17 / Issue: 2 / First page: 118 / Year: 2024Contributors: Martynas Zegunis, Tomas BalezentisJournal title: Data and MetadataArticle title: Implementation of Automation Mechanisms in Public Administration in Ukraine: Analysis of Challenges and ProspectsDOI: 10.56294/dm2024.227Volume: 3 / Issue: / First page: / Year: 2024Contributors: Valerii Kononenko, Oleksandr Yaremenko, Oleksandr Konotopenko, Serhii Lapshin, Andrii MoisiiakhaJournal title: Investment Management and Financial InnovationsArticle title: Financial and investment indicators for accelerating innovation development: Comparison of GII leaders and UkraineDOI: 10.21511/imfi.20(4).2023.35Volume: 20 / Issue: 4 / First page: 452 / Year: 2023Contributors: Olena Dobrovolska, Ralph Sonntag, Svitlana Kachula, Olha Hubaryk, Tetіana Savanchuk
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The agrarian market participants operate in a changing market environment. Their activities are characterized by a high level of risk, in particular, price risk, which determines the likelihood of failure in achieving the planned results. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the dynamics of prices for malted barley and determine the main factors influencing the price of malted barley in the agricultural market of Ukraine. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the scientific works of domestic and foreign authors on the problems of pricing management. Methods of data analysis, synthesis, and generalization of results are used. As a result, one can notice a high level of price fluctuations, significant price fluctuations during the year, absence of a uniform inversely proportional effect between the volume of barley production and its purchasing prices, and presence of disparity between the selling price of barley and the production costs of grain producers. The key factors that determine the price of malted barley include market saturation, grain quality, production expenditures, conditions on the market of barley fodder, contractual relations (which are sufficiently standardized but do not protect agricultural producers from risks), public policy through regulation market. The study outlined recommendations regarding the need to improve the legal regulation of relations and the development of a system to ensure the functioning of the grain market, effective cost management, introduction of innovative agrotechnologies, and financial hedging instruments.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L11, M11, Q11, Q13
- Table 1. Dynamics of barley prices in 2016–2021 MY, USD per ton
- Table 2. Dynamics of barley production and its purchasing prices in 2016–2021 MY, in % to the previous year
- Table 3. Barley price fluctuations in 2016–2021 MY, USD per ton
- Table 4. Dynamics of purchasing prices of fodder and malted barley in 2016–2021 MY, $.
- Table 5. Indicators of malted barley production by agricultural companies depending on the level of the selling price of barley
- Table 6. Dynamics of barley prices and the cost of grain storage services during the marketing year, USD per ton
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Mariia Dykha, Viktoriia Kuzinа, Kostyantyn Serdyukov
Data curation
Mariia Dykha, Viktoriia Kuzinа
Mariia Dykha, Viktoriia Kuzinа, Kostyantyn Serdyukov
Mariia Dykha
Project administration
Mariia Dykha
Mariia Dykha
Mariia Dykha
Writing – original draft
Mariia Dykha
Formal Analysis
Viktoriia Kuzinа
Viktoriia Kuzinа, Kostyantyn Serdyukov
Viktoriia Kuzinа
Writing – review & editing
Viktoriia Kuzinа
Funding acquisition
Kostyantyn Serdyukov
Kostyantyn Serdyukov
Treatment strategies for bad loans to microfinancial institutions: evidence from Kendari, Indonesia
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 16, 2019 Issue #1 pp. 144-153 Views: 2015 Downloads: 166 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe purpose of the research is to find the right strategic formula to resolve bad loans suitable to environment and characteristics of micro-financial institutions and their consumers. It applies qualitative approach by means of interactive method put forward by Milles and Huberman (2009) as analysis method. Data are obtained from indepth interview with superordinates, staff and consumers of microfinance institutions in Kendari city. A microcredit institution “Harum” needs several strategis to handle bad loans. It includes: institutional reinforcement (improvement in service procedure, increase in human resources’ skill, more branch offices, more new recuitments, the involvement of sub-district government, the use of information system), reinforcement of consumers’ capacity (tight selection process, counseling of business management, advisory service, and special relationship). The research results serve as solutions to microfinancial institutions in handling bad loans, from which development and sustainability can be assured. Consumers might make use of this information to develop their business. They also might serve as references for regional government in making the right policy for the development of micofinancial institutions and small business empowerment. This is the first study exploring formulation of strategy for microfinancial institutions in handling bad loans. The research explores internal and external aspects of microfinancial institution, with holistic view of the right policy in terms of institutions and consumers.
The impact of cash flow statement components on stock volatility: Evidence from Qatar
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 18, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 365-373 Views: 1853 Downloads: 1273 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe published financial statements are considered one of the most important sources of information that investors rely on in forecasting stock performance or even judging the organization’s ability to cover short-run liabilities. Cash flows play a core role in maintaining a high market value for its shares. Hence, this study came to analyze the explanatory value of the cash flow statement in explaining stock volatility (SV) in the Qatar financial market. Study data were collected using published financial statements from a sample of 44 Qatari-listed companies throughout 2013–2019. A panel cross-sectional data technique using the E-views program was used to analyze the data. The study results show there is a positive and significant impact of cash flows from operating CFO activities on SV, indicating that the higher change in CFO increases stock volatility. This means that operating cash flows give significant information to investors, and it is reflected in the stock price movements directly. Also, the cash flow from CFF financing activities has a positive and significant effect on SV. This means that CFF affects stock prices, causing greater changes and fluctuation in stock returns. This is because one of the major components of CFF is dividends, which affect directly stock prices and stock returns. In contrast, there is an insignificant effect of CFI on SV, which may indicate that investors do not build their investment decisions based on CFI. Accordingly, the cash flow from investing activities failed to explain the stock volatility of the listed Qatari companies.
Production and trade patterns in the world apple market
Innovative Marketing Volume 17, 2021 Issue #1 pp. 16-25 Views: 1691 Downloads: 1869 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯAwareness of healthy food, population growth, increasing incomes, and urbanization raise the global demand for fruit, where the second position goes to apples. However, their supply is insufficient, implying the lost revenues and exacerbating nutritional food insecurity. To help growers, traders, and consumers cope with such a challenge, this research focused on revealing some world patterns in apple production and trade detailed by groups of countries, their capacities, and prices. The explored data on fresh and processed apples derived from the Food and Agriculture Organization Statistics. The methodological framework of the study engaged divisive hierarchical clustering, analysis of interval variation series, and inequality indicators. The research findings identified two major clusters of 50 out of 96 countries specialized in production and foreign sales of 83.2% and 76.9% of apples. The study outcome comparing fair trade via two triple histograms specified the prevailing deviations between –82% and 80% around farm gate apple prices in 47 exporting countries and the same between –83% and 83% in 46 importing countries. Based on the Gini coefficient, Ratio 20/20, and Hoover index, the accomplished evaluations quantified total disparity in apple trading by 13% to 40%, calculated misbalance between 20% of the top and bottom world traders, and grounded preferable market alignments ranged from 9% to 38%.