The influence of store atmospherics on customers’ satisfaction at selected South African retail outlets
Article InfoVolume 17 2021, Issue #1, pp. 26-39
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
In the retail environment, customers are stimulated by the look and feel of a store and how it is laid out. Certain store elements create an atmosphere that attracts customers to certain outlets as their preferred shopping destination. Therefore, retailers need to ensure the customers’ shopping experience is enjoyable. This study aimed to examine the influence of atmospheric store elements on the factors that influence customers` satisfaction. A quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted in four retail outlets in Cape Town, South Africa, with data collected through a structured questionnaire distributed to the outlets’ customers. A systematic random sample of 388 responses was achieved. The information collected was analyzed using relevant descriptive and inferential statistics. Although small, positive correlations were found between the independent variables (cleanliness, lighting, music, floor adverts, employee efficient service, employee appearance) and the dependent variables (positive image of store, pleasant mood, time spent in store, intention to revisit store). As such, the study highlighted the importance of store atmospherics to the factors that encourage customers` satisfaction. Since little research has been done into store atmospherics in the South African context of grocery stores, this study has contributed new knowledge in this field.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L81, M31
- Figure 1. Conceptual framework
- Figure 2. Revised conceptual model
- Table 1. Sample size breakdown
- Table 2. Questionnaire derivation
- Table 3. Response rate results
- Table 4. Profile of respondents’ demographics
- Table 5. Factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient
- Table 6. Descriptive statistics
- Table 7. Correlation analysis
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