Research trends on development of energy efficiency and renewable energy in households: A bibliometric analysis
Article InfoVolume 14 2023, Issue #2, pp. 13-27
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Households are responsible for more than one-third of global energy consumption and exert a significant environmental impact. Therefore, energy efficiency and renewable energy issues have been a top theme in the literature, with numerous studies examining different facets of residential power consumption, green energy transition, decarbonization, and energy conservation. Despite extensive attention, these research trends and frontiers remain largely uncharacterized and poorly understood. This study aims to provide clear insights into the evolution and latest trends of household energy efficiency and renewable energy studies, reveal significant contributing countries, institutions, and authors of published papers, as well as directions of international collaboration. The method of bibliometric analysis with two supporting instruments (the SciVal platform and Scopus “Analyze search results” tool) was used to investigate an array of 3,761 research items on renewable energy and 4,474 items on energy efficiency in homes formed from the Scopus database. The studied period includes papers published during 1978–2023. The systematic review indicated that the United States, the United Kingdom, and China are primarily contributing countries with strong international collaboration in this field. The top journals include Energy Policy, Energy Efficiency, Energies, and Sustainability, while highly cited researchers investigate environmental, economic, and social effects and management mechanisms for introducing innovative energy-efficient and renewable energy technologies in households like smart meters and grids or the Internet of Things. The research frontier might encompass emerging and pioneering studies on home decarbonization strategies, behavioral interventions, energy saving, prosumerism, and optimization of energy consumption.
The paper is prepared within the framework of the research project “Formation of economic mechanisms to increase energy efficiency and provide sustainable development of renewable energy in Ukraine’s households” (No. 0122U001233), funded by the National Research Foundation of Ukraine.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D12, D14, Q40, Q56
- Figure 1. Methodology stages
- Figure 2. Top 50 key phrases by relevance, based on 2,793 publications on topic T.5214 Household Energy; Energy; Smart Meters in SciVal, 2017–2022
- Figure 3. The scholarly output for research key phrases, T.5214 Household Energy; Energy; Smart Meters in SciVal, by year
- Figure 4. Documents on energy efficiency and renewable energy issues in households in Scopus, by year
- Table 1. Citations and publications in top journal percentiles for the topic T.5214 Household Energy; Energy; Smart Meters, keyphrases “energy efficiency” and “renewable energy” in SciVal, 2017–2023
- Table 2. The most active contributors to the topic T.5214 Household Energy; Energy; Smart Meters for the key phrase “energy efficiency” in SciVal, 2017–2023
- Table 3. The most active contributors to the topic T.5214 Household Energy; Energy; Smart Meters for the keyphrase “renewable energy” in SciVal, 2017–2023
- Table 4. Top-5 authors by scholarly output within the topic T.5214 Household Energy; Energy; Smart Meters for the keyphrases “energy efficiency” and “renewable energy” in SciVal, 2017–2023
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