Purchasing decisions making in the context of digital transformation of retail
Article InfoVolume 18 2019, Issue #4, pp. 11-18
- Cited by
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The paper analyzes the impact of retail transformation on the consumers’ expectations and behavior in the electronic environment and identifies the main directions of digitalization of the marketing activities of domestic retail enterprises at each stage of the purchasing decision-making process. It also systematizes the consumer expectations in the context of the digital transformation of retail, which made it possible to establish the importance of managing customer acquisition for retailers and demonstrated how technology changes the way customers purchase. The results of an online study of the impact of marketing efforts in retail outlets to highlight digital transformation tools at every stage of consumer decision-making by consumers are presented and the main directions of digitalization of marketing activities of domestic retail enterprises are summarized. The legitimacy of taking consumer expectations into account when determining the impact on the business model of retailers, returning it to the plane of mobility, digitalizing the purchase process, and the integration of digital and physical trading, has been proven. It is suggested to consider the main areas of digital transformation as digital interaction with customers, innovation in the development of products and services, distribution channels, marketing and sales; digital implementation, risk optimization, strengthening corporate control, intelligent information management and customer service, managing customer and contact center experience, customer relationship management. This made it possible to specify promising areas of digital transformation in the retail industry, in particular, optimizing human resources, creating new ways of cooperation, attracting labor and assistance (flexible work, social cooperation, corporate cooperation, integrated communications), as well as employee training for the retail industry.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M31, M37, L81, O14
- Figure 1. Результати дослідження споживачів за етапом «Пошук інформації»
- Figure 2. Основні драйвери прийняття купівельного рішення
- Table 1. Очікування споживачів у контексті цифрової трансформації роздрібної торгівлі
- Table 2. Ключові елементи та інструменти цифровізації підприємств роздрібної торгівлі за етапами процесу прийняття купівельних рішень
- Table 3. Основні напрями цифровізації маркетингової діяльності вітчизняних підприємств роздрібної торгівлі
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