Methodical approach to the construction of cube strategies of financial implementation of sustainable development of subjects of agribusiness entities
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #3, pp. 23-29
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The study developed a methodical approach to the choice of a strategy for financial implementation for sustainable development (FISD) of the agribusiness entity, which combines five stages, their content is disclosed and justified. It was proposed on the basis of a combination of three parameters: the level of sustainable development of the agribusiness entity, the form of financing used by him and the direction of influence from the external environment, the construction of a cube of FISD strategies, and the characteristics of the selected parameters. The list is presented and the main content of the rules for the selection of the FISD strategy is revealed, depending on the results of positioning the agribusiness entity in the existing cube.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)Q01
- Рисунок 1. Методичний підхід до вибору стратегії фінансового забезпечення стійкого розвитку суб’єкта АПК
- Рисунок 2. Результати факторного аналізу
- Рисунок 3. Куб стратегій ФЗСР суб’єктів АПК
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