Bank crediting to the sector of non-financial corporations in Ukraine

  • Received July 3, 2019;
    Accepted August 22, 2019;
    Published September 4, 2019
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 14 2019, Issue #3, pp. 64-75
  • Cited by
    3 articles

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

The importance of studying the bank crediting (lending) to non-financial corporations in Ukraine is due to the recent increase in borrowing costs and a low credit supply from banks. This article defines certain parameters, which could help to allocate the limited credit recourses to meet current macroeconomic challenges. The main purpose of the article is to discuss and substantiate the choice of these parameters. The study is focused on the systematic approach and statistical methods to achieve the research goals.
Quantitative parameters of bank lending to non-financial corporations were analyzed through the prism of macroeconomic indicators. In particular, the analysis was conducted on the following parameters of bank lending to non-financial corporations: share of bank loans to non-financial corporations in GDP, volume of loans by type of economic activity, sectoral shares of non-financial corporations in creating gross economic value added, interest rates on loans to non-financial corporations, etc.
It is defined that the share of bank lending to non-financial corporations in GDP is currently low and gradually decreasing. The analysis of the volume of lending by types of economic activities, by the size of borrowers and the respective sectoral shares of non-financial corporations in creation of gross value added showed disproportionate distribution of credit resources by economic returns. The calculation and analysis of the localization and concentration coefficients allowed to identify current problems in crediting of Ukrainian businesses. The interest rates on loans to non-financial corporations remain high, which often makes bank credits inaccessible for them, especially considering the low level of profitability of Ukrainian enterprises.

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    • Figure 1. Volume of credits to non-financial corporations and its share in GDP in Ukraine (2014–2017)
    • Figure 2. The structure of loans to non-financial corporations for 2014–2017 by types of economic activity, %
    • Figure 3. Results of calculations of the concentration coefficient for 2014–2017, %
    • Figure 4. Indicators of shares of large, medium and small enterprises in creating value added and obtaining bank loans in Ukraine in 2017, %
    • Figure 5. The ratio of interest rates on loans and average profitability for 2014–2018, %
    • Figure 6. Interest rates for new loans in UAH for non-financial corporations by terms for 2014–2018, %
    • Figure 7. Weighted average interest rates for non-financial corporations by currency type for 2014–2018, %