Mohammad Bin Amin
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The influence of leadership styles on employee performance in telecom companies of Bangladesh
Md. Mobarak Karim, Mohammad Bin Amin
, Helaluddin Ahmed
, Zita Hajdu
, Jozsef Popp
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 21, 2023 Issue #3 pp. 671-681
Views: 877 Downloads: 278 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯLeadership styles have drawn much attention in a cutthroat business world. As a result, the standardization of human resources management goals has gained much popularity. However, if there is a meaningful and established process to be used in leadership activities, an organization may be able to realize its purpose within the specified time. This study aims to determine how several leadership styles – transformational leadership, charismatic leadership, democratic leadership, and transactional leadership – affect employee performance. The data were obtained using a self-reported questionnaire adapted from prior studies; the paper employed purposive and convenience sampling methods to receive information from 260 employees of several telecommunication companies in Bangladesh. For this study purpose, SPSS version 26.0 was used to conduct the necessary statistical analyses, and the construct reliability was evaluated using Cronbach’s (a) coefficient value of 0.70 or higher. According to the findings, transformational leadership, charismatic leadership, democratic leadership, and transactional leadership have a favorable relationship with employee performance in telecom organizations. Thus, decision-makers and other practitioners need to learn how to recognize diverse leadership philosophies and their effects on employee performance from an organizational perspective. Finally, the study recommends that leaders transition from highly traditional leadership styles to more participative and positive ones.
Critical success factors of the financial performance of commercial private banks: A study in a developing nation
K. M. Anwarul Islam, Mohammad Bin Amin
, Sk Alamgir Hossain
, Roushanara Islam
, Jozsef Popp
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 18, 2023 Issue #4 pp. 129-139
Views: 416 Downloads: 139 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study’s objective is to examine the impact of employee innovativeness, readiness to change, employee creativity, and learning capability on the financial performance of private banks in Bangladesh. The study involved 334 bank employees from three prominent private banks in Bangladesh. Those banks were selected with better ratings by the central bank and have several branches across the country. First, branch managers were contacted about this study and collected employee emails from each branch information desk. Then, email invitations were sent to each employee of the selected bank branches. This study involved branch managers, senior officers, officers, and junior bank executives. Past studies also considered senior and junior bank officers as they directly contribute to a bank’s performance. The study utilized a methodical questionnaire to assess the three independent variables: employee innovativeness, readiness to change, and learning capability. The dependent variable in this study was financial performance, which was assessed through key financial indicators such as profitability and sales growth over three years. SPSS was utilized to conduct hypothesis testing by considering 95% confidence interval. Correlation results show that all three independent variables were significantly correlated with the bank’s financial performance. The study’s regression results suggest that bank employees’ readiness to change (β value = 0.393) significantly impacts the bank’s financial performance, followed by employee innovativeness (β value = 0.338). On the other hand, employees’ learning capability (β value = 0.202) has the least significant impact on financial performance. Moreover, three independent variables explain 42.9% variance in bank financial performance.
Effects of green HRM practices on circular economy-based performance of banking organizations in an emerging nation
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 19, 2024 Issue #2 pp. 75-87
Views: 546 Downloads: 209 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe concept of circular economy-based performance has gained significant interest within the highly competitive business arena and environment-concerned stakeholders. This study assumes that environment oriented HRM practices have significant effects on circular economy-based performance. This study aims to investigate the contributory effect of five selected components of green HRM on the circular economy-based performance of environment-concerned banking organizations. A total of 418 managers of commercial banks are the unit of analysis, and data were derived using a structured questionnaire from the respondents who are working in managerial positions in banking organizations in Bangladesh. The gathered data has been encoded by SPSS and analyzed through PLS-SEM 4. The results of this study reveal that all components of green HRM, i.e., green employment design, planning, staffing, training, and benefits significantly contribute to the circular economy-based performance of the banking sector. Thus, green HRM effectively promotes the circular performance of banks to provide a distinctive perspective for adding value to the environmental concerns in an emerging economy.
The authors appreciate the support in preparing the article provided by the University of Debrecen Program for Scientific Publication. -
Factors influencing organizational citizenship behavior among employees: Evidence from the commercial banking industry
Khadiza Rahman Tanchi, Mohammad Bin Amin
, Swapna Khatun
, Md. Mobarak Karim
, László Erdey
This study aims to investigate the relationship between organizational commitment, training perception, organizational support, and organizational citizenship behavior within the banking sector. Data were gathered from 250 employees of commercial banks in Dhaka, Bangladesh, utilizing an online survey questionnaire. This quantitative and exploratory study ultimately analyzed a final sample of 200 participants, using a convenience sampling method. A five-point Likert scale was applied to assess replies, with “1” signifying “Strongly Disagree” and “5” signifying “Strongly Agree.” SPSS was applied to test the research model. A positive and significant relationship was revealed between organizational commitment, perception of training, organizational support, and citizenship behavior. Based on these findings, bank management should leverage organizational commitment, perceived training, and perceived organizational support to enhance citizenship behavior among employees, thereby improving overall bank performance. The perceived training (β = 0.287; p < 0.05) had the highest effect on organizational citizenship behavior, while organizational commitment (β = 0.275; p < 0.05) had the lowest effect on organizational citizenship behavior. Specifically, the standardized beta coefficient for perceived training suggests that improvements in employee perceptions of training are associated with notable increases in organizational citizenship behavior, making it the most influential factor in this analysis. In comparison, organizational commitment, with a lower beta coefficient also positively affects organizational citizenship behavior, but to a lesser degree than perceived training. The results of this study are advantageous for the banking industry and strategists seeking to promote organizational citizenship behavior among their employees.
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