Factors influencing organizational citizenship behavior among employees: Evidence from the commercial banking industry
Article InfoVolume 20 2025, Issue #1, pp. 51-61
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This study aims to investigate the relationship between organizational commitment, training perception, organizational support, and organizational citizenship behavior within the banking sector. Data were gathered from 250 employees of commercial banks in Dhaka, Bangladesh, utilizing an online survey questionnaire. This quantitative and exploratory study ultimately analyzed a final sample of 200 participants, using a convenience sampling method. A five-point Likert scale was applied to assess replies, with “1” signifying “Strongly Disagree” and “5” signifying “Strongly Agree.” SPSS was applied to test the research model. A positive and significant relationship was revealed between organizational commitment, perception of training, organizational support, and citizenship behavior. Based on these findings, bank management should leverage organizational commitment, perceived training, and perceived organizational support to enhance citizenship behavior among employees, thereby improving overall bank performance. The perceived training (β = 0.287; p < 0.05) had the highest effect on organizational citizenship behavior, while organizational commitment (β = 0.275; p < 0.05) had the lowest effect on organizational citizenship behavior. Specifically, the standardized beta coefficient for perceived training suggests that improvements in employee perceptions of training are associated with notable increases in organizational citizenship behavior, making it the most influential factor in this analysis. In comparison, organizational commitment, with a lower beta coefficient also positively affects organizational citizenship behavior, but to a lesser degree than perceived training. The results of this study are advantageous for the banking industry and strategists seeking to promote organizational citizenship behavior among their employees.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J24, M12, L21
- Figure 1. Result analysis of regression coefficient
- Table 1. Demographic information
- Table 2. Correlation analysis
- Table 3. Regression analysis
- Table 4. Summary of hypotheses test
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