Transformation of the Ukrainian banking system regulation: a new horizon of compliance with the international framework
Article InfoVolume 14 2019, Issue #4, pp. 22-33
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This article discusses the latest methodological recommendations of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision developed in response to the effects of the global financial crisis and known as Basel III. The purpose of the study is to explore scientific approaches to justifying bank regulation as a key condition for overcoming the economic crisis and improving financial sustainability. The object of research is Basel III instruments that will be implemented in the bank regulatory policy of Ukraine. The systematic approach and systemic thinking used in the article allow one to substantiate the expediency of Ukrainian banking institutions’ governance based on the risk-oriented approach and to determine the strategy of bank supervision for the next 1-3 years. The study evaluates the results of stress testing of the largest banks in Ukraine. Thus, the results confirm that the banking sector in Ukraine is sufficiently capitalized in the absence of macroeconomic shocks, but in case of a crisis, some of these banks are not protected. Therefore, the article formulates recommendations for improving the regulation of these banks, the phased implementation of Basel III, the application of new principles, standards, tools and methods, corporate governance and risk management in Ukrainian banks.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)E52, G01, G21
- Figure 1. Comparison of current liquidity ratio Н5 and liquidity coverage ratio LCR
- Figure 2. Organizational risk management system in the bank
- Table 1. Macroprudential tools to reduce systemic risks in the banking sector of Ukraine
- Table 2. Baseline and adverse scenarios for 2019–2021
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