The impact of infrastructure investments on the country’s economic growth

  • Received March 6, 2023;
    Accepted May 18, 2023;
    Published May 26, 2023
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 21 2023, Issue #2, pp. 415-425
  • Cited by
    5 articles

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

This study aims to assess the positive impact of infrastructure investments on the dynamics of economic growth. The sample includes ten countries (Azerbaijan, Albania, Belarus, Bulgaria, China, Georgia, Mexico, Moldova, Serbia, and Turkey) for 2011–2020 that meet the following criteria:

  • belong to upper-middle-income economies (according to the World Bank Atlas method);
  • the OECD statistical database contains data on investment volumes in infrastructure development of road, railway transport, inland waterways, sea, and airports (by all financing sources). The primary focus was put on the analysis of this issue in Azerbaijan.

GDP per capita growth was selected as the resulting parameter; the main dependent variable was infrastructure investment volumes (total inland and infrastructure road, rail, and air investment), and additional dependent variables were a foreign direct investment (net inflows) and gross domestic investment. Shapiro-Wilk test (for checking normal data), Spearman and Pearson methods (for correlation estimation), Granger test (for detecting causal relationships), and Arellano-Bond dynamic panel-data estimation (for influence formalization) were used. As a result, the following parameters exert the greatest influence on economic growth level: value of gross domestic investment (its growth by 1% causes GDP per capita growth to increase by 0.54% without a time lag); value of infrastructure investment inland (total) (by 1.51% with a three-year lag); value of infrastructure road investment (by 0.41% with a three-year lag). These results can help future research and decision-making at different management levels to strengthen economic growth through infrastructure investment.

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    • Table 1. Shapiro-Wilk test
    • Table 2. Correlation analysis
    • Table 3. Granger test for Azerbaijan
    • Table 4. Generalized results of the Granger test for the sample
    • Table 5. Fragment of Arellano-Bond dynamic panel-data estimation
    • Conceptualization
      Zohrab Ibrahimov, Sakina Hajiyeva, İlgar Seyfullayev
    • Formal Analysis
      Zohrab Ibrahimov, Sakina Hajiyeva
    • Methodology
      Zohrab Ibrahimov, Sakina Hajiyeva, İlgar Seyfullayev
    • Visualization
      Zohrab Ibrahimov, Zanura Aliyeva
    • Writing – review & editing
      Zohrab Ibrahimov, Umid Mehdiyev, Zanura Aliyeva
    • Funding acquisition
      Sakina Hajiyeva, İlgar Seyfullayev
    • Supervision
      Sakina Hajiyeva, İlgar Seyfullayev
    • Writing – original draft
      Sakina Hajiyeva, İlgar Seyfullayev
    • Investigation
      İlgar Seyfullayev, Umid Mehdiyev, Zanura Aliyeva
    • Project administration
      İlgar Seyfullayev, Umid Mehdiyev
    • Software
      İlgar Seyfullayev, Umid Mehdiyev, Zanura Aliyeva
    • Data curation
      Umid Mehdiyev, Zanura Aliyeva
    • Resources
      Umid Mehdiyev, Zanura Aliyeva
    • Validation
      Umid Mehdiyev, Zanura Aliyeva