The concept of distribution of powers among accounting entities considering modernization strategy in the public sector of Ukraine


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Reformation of accounting in the public sector of Ukraine, which was aimed at adapting to the international standard requirements, led to some inconsistencies related to the division of powers of its subjects. In this regard, it became relevant to study not only the methodology transformation, but also to optimize the powers of accounting subjects. Avoiding duplication of functions will harmonize the accounting system, simplify the mechanisms of data formation and increase the effectiveness of making managerial decisions. The application of the approaches for differentiating the powers of the subjects of accounting and the links between them will improve the quality and informational outgoing credentials, which are subsequently used in making managerial decisions. The study results can serve as the basis for developing a comprehensive information management system for public sector entities aimed at improving their performance.

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    • Figure 1. The recommended structure of the accounting information system of budgetary institutions
    • Figure 2. Recommended distribution of powers and semantics of the accounting information system of budgetary institutions focused on optimization
    • Figure 3. The general scheme of modules interconnection of accounting system in budgetary institutions
    • Table 1. Recommended qualification characteristics and responsibilities of the accounting service employees
    • Table 2. Recommended qualification characteristics and duties (powers) of management accounting department employees