Competitiveness of the information economy industry in Ukraine

  • Received January 2, 2018;
    Accepted February 5, 2018;
    Published February 7, 2018
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 16 2018, Issue #1, pp. 85-95
  • Cited by
    11 articles

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Information economy, being the newest type, in the course of formation acquires its distinctive features, which include a significant change in the needs of investors, producers, consumers and other economic relation participants. In order to achieve a competitive information economy, state support for high-tech industries is needed. It is crucial to create a clear legal framework, give boost to the formation of intellectual capital based on other countries' experience. Implementation of the strategy for high-tech industries development in Ukraine is a decisive step in creating a platform for information technology dissemination, creation of new competitive products with high added value. The purpose of the article is to investigate the transformation to the information economy, to analyze the industry competitiveness, to define the opportunities for information sphere improvement. The theoretical aspect of the emergence and formation of the information economy category is studied, the approaches to the defining this economic category and its derivatives have been studied and generalized, essential features of the information type of economic relations have been investigated, and their main components have been determined. In the article, the relationship between the level of information economy development and the competitiveness of domestic enterprises' products has been described, the factors influencing high-tech industries development in Ukraine are considered, and suggestions as for increasing the assistance to the development of knowledge-intensive sectors, including information technology, are proposed.

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    • Figure 1. The proportion of adult Internet users (18+) in Ukraine, %
    • Figure 2. Share of Internet users among inhabitants of settlements of different types, % (2017)
    • Table 1. GDP of Ukraine for 2010–2017, UAH mln in actual prices (except for temporarily occupied territories)‎
    • Table 2. Dynamics of exports and imports of telecommunications, computer and information services in Ukraine in 2013–2016‎
    • Table 3. Dynamics of reduction in high-tech products financing from the State Budget of Ukraine, in % as to GDP
    • Table 4. Dynamics of Ukraine's position changes in the Global Competitiveness Index ranking
    • Table 5 The Networked Readiness Index of Ukraine and Poland
    • Table 6. Environment sub-index and pillars for Ukraine and Poland
    • Table 7 Readiness sub-index and pillars for Ukraine and Poland
    • Table 8 Usage sub-index and pillars for Ukraine and Poland
    • Table 9 Impact sub-index and pillars of Ukraine and Poland
    • Table 10 Ukraine’s position according to the United Nations e-Government Survey 2016
    • Table 11. Comparison of the IT sphere in Poland and Ukraine