The analysis of influence of motivation and organizational commitment on employees’ performance in Telkom Kandatel Gorontalo Province
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #4, pp. 429-443
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Every organization is required to be in a conducive condition in order to produce optimal performance to serve the community. The successfulness of an organization in many activities was based on technological advantages, fund avalaibility, facilities and human capital. It demanded that every organization of the company must improve its competence in terms of human resources. This research was explanatory research with a quantitative approach that aimed to:
1) analyze the effect of motivation on organizational commitment;
2) analyze the effect of motivation on employees’ performance;
3) analyze the effect of organizational commitment on employees’performance;
4) analyze the effect of motivation on employees’ performance through organizational commitment.
The study was conducted at the Regional Service Office of PT Telkom Kandatel Gorontalo Province with the total sample of 45 people, the sampling technique used was saturated sampling (census). Primary data collected using the questionnaires were then processed and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of the study indicated that:
1) motivation had a significant positive effect on organizational commitment;
2) motivation did not have a significant effect on employees’ performance;
3) organizational commitment had a significant positive effect on employees’ performance;
4) motivation had a significant positive effect on employees’ performance through organizational commitment of PT Telkom Kandatel Gorontalo Province employees.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L26, O15
- Figure 1. Diagram of test results for the hypothesis of direct effect
- Table 1. Results of path coefficient and test of direct effect hypothesis
- Table 2. Results of path coefficient and indirect effect hypothesis test
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