Residential income tax compliance in Nepal: An empirical analysis
Article InfoVolume 21 2024, Issue #4, pp. 170-187
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Tax compliance is the determining factor in tax report submission, enhancing tax awareness. A low level of tax compliance (TC) directly affects the government revenue and low inflow of information regarding taxpayers. This study uses descriptive and explanatory research approaches to identify determinants of residential rental income tax compliances (TC) among property owners in Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Nepal. A total of 1,129 structured questionnaires were distributed among the households of Kathmandu Valley for the cross-sectional and primary data, and only 500 (44.29 percent) useful responses were received from the respondents as the population was unknown. The response rate exceeds the estimated sample size of 384. The findings revealed a significant positive impact of tax rate on tax compliances (r = 0.329**, P<0.05). Fines and penalty (FP) and tax compliance (TC) found a positive and significant association depicting (r =.398**, P<0.05). Similarly, there was a positive and significant relationship (r = .612**, P<0.05) between attitudes and perception (AP) and tax compliance (TC). Moreover, a positive and significant association was found (r =.410**, P<0.05) between tax knowledge (TK) and tax compliance (TC). Furthermore, tax policy (TP) was positively and significantly associated (r = .440**, P<0.05) with tax compliance (TC). This study enhances taxpayers’ knowledge and helps to execute the policies to increase the efficiency and transparency of the tax system in Nepal.
The authors would like to express their gratitude to Prof. Dr. Achyut Gnawali and Mr. Prem Bahadur Budhathoki, Associate Professor, and Dr. Gangaram Bishowakarma, Assistant Professor of Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, for extending warm support towards the research work through the academic inputs.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)H20, H21, H22, H26
- Figure 1. Conceptual framework
- Table 1. Demographic profile of respondents
- Table 2. Relationship between dependent variable and independent variables (Correlation analysis)
- Table 3. Research model coefficients (Regression analysis)
- Table 4. Summary of hypothesis testing
- Table 1. Opinion of respondents on tax rate, income, fines and penalty, attitude and perception for tax compliance
- Table 2. Opinion of respondents on tax knowledge and tax policy for tax compliance
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