Relation between Organisational Citizenship Behavior, Workplace Spirituality and Job Performance in BFSI sector in India
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #1, pp. 176-188
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Companies across the world are struggling to keep the employees engaged and retained to their work. Moreover, today’s workforce is increasingly seeking intrinsic benefits beyond the material rewards of a job. In this context, this study aims to assess the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), workplace spirituality (WS) and job performance (JP) in a non-Western setting where primary quantitative research was conducted in an Indian setting. The sector under study was Banking, Finance, and Insurance Services (BFSI), given retention issues since the financial crisis of 2008. A statistically evaluated sample of 433 respondents was utilized to attain the findings. Results revealed a statistically significant positive relationship between OCB, WS and JP that was achieved through regression analysis. However, findings also showed that OCB is not a moderator between WS and JP. The gap in the research was addressed given the lack of studies determining the impact of OCB on individual job performance. Further, the impact was positively highlighted in the Indian context. The implications to the BFSI sector were made that required companies to promote a culture for voluntary work practices to enhance JP.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D23, J24, M10, M12
- Figure 1. Conceptual framework of WS, OCB and IJP
- Table 1. ANOVA results of WS and OCB on JP
- Table 2. Model summary of the impact of WS and OCB on JP
- Table 3. Coefficients of OCB and WS as independent variables
- Table 4. ANOVA results of 2 models for the moderator role of organizational citizenship behavior
- Table 5. Coefficients of workplace spirituality, organizational citizenship behavior and interaction term
- Table 6. Model summary of moderator effect of organizational citizenship behavior
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