How employee engagement mediates the influence of individual factors toward organizational commitment
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #1, pp. 276-283
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Employee engagement affects the Employer Commitment which has influence on the expression desired by someone in relation to their professional attitude, connecting the work with personal life for psychological, cognitive, emotional, and their personal feelings as a whole, so that employees engagement towards a company will drive the employees’ performance. This is proved by the previous studies, but they have not included individual factors as the force that forms employee engagement or organizational commitment, specifically because seeing how the consequences of employee engagement produced. In this study, the authors consider the influence of individual factors towards organizational commitment mediated by employee engagement, which distinguishes this study from the previous ones. The objectives of this study are: first, to discover how individual factors affect employee engagement; second, to find out how employee engagement affects Organizational Commitment of employees; Third, to discover how individual factors affect organizational commitment. This study is conducted among the respondents all of whom are employees within MICE industry in Indonesia using questionnaire. Data analysis in was performed this study using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The results of this study show that high individual factors will form high employee engagement, high employee engagement will form high organizational commitment, and high individual factors will form high organizational commitment. In this study, it is found that there is an influence of individual factors towards organizational commitment mediated by employee engagement.
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JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M12, M51, M54, M50
- Table 1. Hypotheses testing results
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