Job enrichment, organizational commitment, and intention to quit: the mediating role of employee engagement
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #2, pp. 518-526
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
In human resource accounting, personnel recruitment cost is an important issue. High turnover of employees triggers this charge. This research focused on the non-financial issue in employee turnovers for various professions. This study examines the effect of job enrichment, a self-development process on the working environment, to the employee’s engagement and organizational commitment, as well as the intention to quit in a different profession. The respondents of this research are 154 workers who have worked at their institution for at least two years. Using moderate regression analysis and testing two models, the first with linear regression, and the second with moderate regression analysis, this research shows that in the first model, job enrichment and employee engagement affect organizational commitment directly. However, in the second model, this study shows that employee engagement cannot moderate the effect of job enrichment on organizational commitment or the intention to quit. This research also finds that employee engagement affects negatively the intention to quit at work. The research findings strengthen the theory that a self-development process capable of generating employee engagement can assist management in controlling employee turnover rates.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M54
- Figure 1. Variables
- Table 1. Hypotheses test results
- Table 2. Coefficient determination test results
- Table 3. F-test result
- Table 4. Hypotheses test results with interaction test
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