Quality of working life of scientific and pedagogical workers: determinants and evaluation indicators


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The new realities caused by military actions as a result of russian aggression have led to adverse consequences for the Ukrainian economy, which negatively affects the state of higher education, in particular the quality of working life of workers in this area. In such circumstances, Ukraine needs to take measures to improve the quality of the working life of scientific and pedagogical workers and improve the methodology for its assessment. The purpose of the paper is to theoretically substantiate the determinants of the quality of the working life of scientific and pedagogical workers and to provide a scientific and methodological justification for the system of indicators for its assessment. The study analyzes scientific approaches to the concept, essence and assessment of the quality of the working life of scientific and pedagogical workers. It also classifies the determinants of the quality of their working life, the main of which are financial, organizational and legal, managerial, and security. The following key components of the quality of working life are identified: compensatory (material), “decent working conditions”, “social security”, “development and self-realization”. The author’s approach to understanding the concept of the quality of working life of scientific and pedagogical workers and its assessment is presented. Based on the principles of the Strategy for the Development of Higher Education in Ukraine for 2021–2031, compiled by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, a system of indicators of the quality of working life of scientific and pedagogical workers has been formed that correspond to its strategic goals and operational tasks.

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    • Figure 1. Зв’язок завдань «Стратегії розвитку вищої освіти в Україні на 2021–2031 роки» та компонент ЯТЖ НПП
    • Table 1. Реалізація та формування ЯТЖ відповідно до рівнів соціально-трудових відносин
    • Table 2. Методологія оцінювання результативності стратегії розвитку вищої освіти
    • Conceptualization
      Ivan Riabokon, Anna Shandar
    • Data curation
      Ivan Riabokon
    • Formal Analysis
      Ivan Riabokon, Anna Shandar
    • Investigation
      Ivan Riabokon, Anna Shandar
    • Methodology
      Ivan Riabokon
    • Software
      Ivan Riabokon, Anna Shandar
    • Supervision
      Ivan Riabokon
    • Visualization
      Ivan Riabokon, Anna Shandar
    • Writing – original draft
      Ivan Riabokon
    • Resources
      Anna Shandar
    • Validation
      Anna Shandar
    • Writing – review & editing
      Anna Shandar